The theme for the 2025 Street Banner Design Program is ‘Metamorphosis And Change’ and Nanaimo artist Aiym Samay-Sampson’s unique design was chosen for its creative take on transformation.
Interested artists were asked to consider themes of metamorphosis, change and transformation in the world around us, and Samay-Sampson’s design reflects the idea of change with the image of a butterfly in an abstract, fragmented form. Vibrant shapes come together, demonstrating how change can feel both familiar and unfamiliar; seamless yet sudden.
The butterfly symbolizes gradual, harmonious change while the fragmented geometric shapes, broken apart but reassembling in new form, represent the unpredictable and challenging side of transformation.
Samay-Sampson’s design highlights the idea that transformation can be both constructive and deconstructive, offering new perspectives and sometimes unexpected results. The mix of visual elements mirrors the complexity of change in everyday life, encouraging viewers to reflect on their own experiences and to consider how we all might embrace transformation in our own lives.
Aiym Samay-Sampson was born and raised in Almaty, Kazakhstan, where her passion for drawing began at a young age. At age 17, she moved to Vancouver, Canada, and pursued her studies in 3D Animation at Langara College. This experience allowed Samay-Sampson to expand her artistic skills and explore new forms of creative expression. During her time in Vancouver, she met her husband and together, they made the decision to move to Nanaimo, where they currently reside.
This spring, these vibrant street banners will be hung and on display in Nanaimo’s downtown area, including in the Arts District downtown, and along Bowen Road, Third Street and other major routes. More information on the Street Banner Design Program can be found on the City's website
Link to Strategic Plan: The Street Banner Design Program aligns with the goals of the City of Nanaimo’s City Plan by facilitating opportunities for the public to encounter art and culture in public spaces throughout the city and as part of their daily experiences and by making art visible and accessible throughout the City, in Urban Centres, and Downtown.
Key Points
"The striking artwork selected to adorn our 2025 street banners will transform city streets, exemplifying the vitality of our arts and culture community. We look forward to highlighting the talents of a local artist with the appearance of banners that herald the coming of spring – bright, bold, and to be enjoyed by all!
Mayor Leonard Krog
"I’m so honoured that my design was chosen to be the 2025 street banner! I believe abstract art allows us to express complex emotions and ideas in a visually engaging way. I created this piece to not only celebrate change but also to encourage young people to embrace their creativity and follow their passion for art."
Aiym Samay-Sampson, Artist
Feb 14, 2025
Since 1998, the City of Nanaimo celebrates local excellence and honours achievement in arts and culture through its annual Culture Awards event. Recognizing outstanding organizations, groups or individuals in the arts and culture fields, the culture awards foster community awareness and pride, and highlight the calibre and dynamic impact of the sector on our community’s economic, social and cultural well-being.
2025 Culture Award recipients will be honoured at a free community event at The Port Theatre on the evening of Wednesday, April 16, 2025. The public is invited to attend and help celebrate the achievements of these extraordinary individuals while enjoying an evening of free entertainment by Nanaimo’s very own local talent. Tickets are available through The Port Theatre.
Award recipients are named by Nanaimo City Council. The City accepts culture award nominations from the community, which are reviewed by a panel comprised of City staff, leaders in the arts and culture sector, and former culture award recipients. More information on the Culture Awards, including past recipients, can be found on the City’s website.
This award is presented to an organization or individual that has achieved regional and/or national recognition in the field of arts, is recognized as a “Nanaimo Artist”, has demonstrated excellence in their field and is a significant inspiration to others. Past recipients include Grant Leier & Nixie Barton (2015), Susan Juby (2016), Jacqui Kaese (2017), Rick Scott (2018), Devon Joiner (2020), Ay Lelum (2021), Brendan Tang (2022), Joel Good (2023) and Paul Roland Gogo (2024).
Joël A. Prévost is a master artist, teacher, mentor, cultural leader and creator. For over 25 years, Joël has contributed to the vibrancy of Nanaimo’s cultural community, achieving regional and national recognition and serving as a significant inspiration to others. Renowned as an accomplished sculptor, Joël is a founding member of the Vancouver Island Sculpting Studio. Joël has built a reputation as a talented sculptor and as a mentor who opens the door for others to explore and develop their own creative potential. Fueled by his deep appreciation for music and dance, Joël has also played a pivotal role in nurturing live music events, including founding the Mid-Island Jazz Festival. Joël’s passion for the arts, dedication to community, extensive expertise and unwavering commitment to fostering a collaborative, inclusive, vibrant cultural sector demonstrates his excellence, making him an ideal candidate for this award.
HONOUR IN CULTURE 2025: Doug Roszmann
This award is presented to an individual, group or corporation that is known for its dedication and support of the development of the cultural fabric of Nanaimo. Past recipients include Arlene Blundell (2015), Debbie Trueman (2016), Gerda Hofman (2017), William Good (2018), Dean Chadwick (2019), Trish & Geoff Horrocks (2020), Marianne Turley (2021), Christine Whitelaw (2021), Bruce Halliday (2022), Margot Holmes (2023) and Sukhi Sangha (2024).
Doug Roszmann’s many years of service to the arts and culture choral and theatre community have inspired countless voices both young and old. As an educator, mentor, singer and passionate advocate for the arts, Doug has been instrumental in the promotion and preservation of musical theatre and education in Nanaimo. For over 17 years, Doug worked for Nanaimo's school district as a music teacher, positively impacting countless young students and performers. In retirement, through countless hours of volunteer work, Doug continues to encourage participation in music and theatre, including serving as a volunteer singer, administrator and conductor for numerous cultural organizations. With an understanding that music can be a medium for sharing the joy of the performing arts and for personal development and growth, Doug has inspired untold numbers of people to discover their own love and passion for this art form.
HONOUR IN CULTURE 2025: Tsatassaya White
Tsatassaya White’s contributions to the Nanaimo community demonstrate outstanding support, advocacy, promotion, knowledge and interpretation of Nanaimo’s arts, culture and history. Producing plays with countless local organizations, Tsatassaya has been instrumental in providing rich cultural experiences throughout our community. As a role model for many youth in the Indigenous community, Tsatassaya has been instrumental in the development and production of young playwrights and actors from a variety of Indigenous Nations. In writing and performing plays in hul’q’umi’num, Tsatassaya has helped to broaden the scope of artistic work in Nanaimo, uplifting the voices of local Indigenous peoples. Braiding together traditional cultural knowledge and contemporary artistic practice, Tsatassaya’s influence within the cultural community has fostered connection, helping facilitate important dialogue centering reconciliation, language preservation, advocacy, and cultural learning and sharing.
HONOUR IN HERITAGE 2025: Sophia Maher
Presented to an individual, group or corporation who demonstrates outstanding support, advocacy, promotion or interpretation of Nanaimo’s heritage and history. Past recipients include Jan Peterson (2018), Nanaimo Historical Society (2019), Gary & Adam Manson (2020) and Joy Bremner (2022).
Sophia Maher is recognized for her significant impact and support within Nanaimo’s cultural community, as well as her dedication to relationship building, repatriation and reconciliation. Sophia’s passion and dedication to the promotion and interpretation of Nanaimo’s heritage and history are unquestionable. As the General Manager of the Nanaimo Museum, Sophia has fostered a cultural space that invites and supports diverse communities to share their histories and encourages opportunities for meaningful and healthy discourse of divisive topics and historical injustices for both the public and museum staff. Sophia’s dedication to uplifting and working with diverse communities, building sincere relationships and striving for excellence has had a positive impact within Nanaimo’s heritage sector and within numerous different cultural and Indigenous organizations.
Link to Strategic Plan: The 2025 Culture Awards align with the goals of the City of Nanaimo’s Strategic Plan and the Cultural Plan for a Creative Nanaimo by strengthening the creative sector by investing in organizations and people who animate our cultural spaces.
Key Points
"On behalf of City Council, I congratulate our 2025 Culture Award recipients. The passion and dedication of these extraordinary individuals is an inspiration to us all and highlights the immense talent of our arts and culture community!"
2024 Culture Awards, Photo by Sean Fenzl Photography
2024 Culture Awards, Photo by Sean Fenzl Photography
The City of Nanaimo is reminding the public to stay off the ice on all lakes, ponds and water sources in Nanaimo. The ice is unsafe.
The following rules should always be followed to ensure ice safety:
Signs are posted at local park lakes, however this applies to all bodies of water.
Link to Strategic Plan: Public Safety: supporting the collective well being of our community by protecting the lives of all our residents.
Key Points
"Ice on our lakes is a rare occurrence and as tempting as it could be to venture out on what looks to be a frozen body of water, we ask that you choose to stay safe and avoid a potential accident. PLEASE stay off the ice!"
City of Nanaimo
Beginning February 14, 2025, the City of Nanaimo will be accepting applications for two separate grants focused on funding community environmental projects. These grants help implement Nanaimo's City Plan goals and improve livability in our community. Projects may focus on park restoration, urban stream and riparian enhancement, natural environment protection and climate change adaption solutions.
The Community Watershed Restoration Grant provides up to $20,000 in grant funds and is available annually to community organizations, environmental non-profits and individual residents that aim to carry out watershed restoration projects. These projects will focus on urban stream and riparian restoration enhancement and natural environment protection. Eligible applicants are encouraged to apply for funding. Projects that have received funding from the Community Watershed Restoration grant in the past include invasive species removal and restoration along Joseph and McGregor Creeks, water quality monitoring on Diver Lake and wetland restoration at a housing co-operative.
The Community Environmental Sustainability Project Grant was created to support small and creative environmental projects not already covered by existing City of Nanaimo grants, including the Community Watershed Restoration Grant. A total of $20,000 in grant funds has been available annually since 2023. Up to $5,000 in project funding will be available per application. Eligible community organizations, including environmental nonprofits, local stewardship groups, school groups, religious organizations and participants in the Acting for Climate Together program are encouraged to apply.
Funding will be used to support projects that improve the environmental health of natural systems, enhance resident connections to nature, provide educational values, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and/or prepare the community for climate change impacts. Projects that have received funding from the Community Environmental Sustainability Project Grant in the past include a neighbourhood tree planting workshop, environmental restoration and student education project in Wardropper Park and the use of thermal imaging cameras to educate homeowners about energy efficiency in homes.
More details regarding both grant opportunities are provided in the Grant Guidelines and Criteria. Application forms are available on the Grants page on the City’s website. The deadline for submitting applications is 4 p.m. on Friday, April 4, 2025.
Link to Strategic Plan: Both the Community Watershed Restoration and Community Environmental Sustainability Project grant will be evaluated based on how they support the Green Goals of City Plan - Nanaimo ReImagined
Key Points
"These grants are another step forward in improving our environment and reducing the effects of climate change. Each step we take adds momentum and gives confidence for the next. By working together, we can collectively make a real difference to the health of our planet and within our surrounding community."
City of Nanaimo
Feb. 1, 2025
With flurries and cold temperatures expected this weekend and into next week due to an arctic airflow, the City of Nanaimo is collaborating with the Regional District of Nanaimo and community partners to provide additional warming services for Nanaimo's unsheltered population. The City will access emergency Provincial funding to provide extreme weather relief spaces and enhance outreach supports.
Extreme weather response services include:
Additional overnight winter shelters and day-time warming services are also available:
Existing year-round shelter beds available include:
Visit for further details and a full list of basic need services available to people experiencing homelessness.
Link to Strategic Plan: Warming services for people experiencing homelessness supports City Plan’s goal for a Healthy Nanaimo.
Key Points
"With the possibility of cold weather approaching, ensuring that everyone in our community has a safe, warm place to go is a top priority. By working together with the Regional District of Nanaimo and our community partners, we are expanding services and providing emergency relief spaces to support those in need. We encourage anyone requiring shelter to access these available resources."
City of Nanaimo
December 17, 2024
At their meeting on Dec. 16, 2024, Nanaimo City Council passed three readings of the City's 2025-2029 Provisional Financial Plan. The plan invests in services and infrastructure to support a community over 100,000 strong with more than $4.8 billion (2021) worth of assets. Actions from the City's Integrated Action Plan have been incorporated into the departmental business plans and project plans as the City continues to make progress towards achieving the five City goals identified in City Plan: Nanaimo ReImagined.The plan includes the following highlights:
A Green Nanaimo – Resilient and Regenerative Ecosystems
A Connected Nanaimo – Equitable Access & Mobility
A Healthy Nanaimo – Community Wellbeing & Livability
An Empowered Nanaimo – Reconciliation, Representation & Inclusion
A Prosperous Nanaimo – Thriving & Resilient Economy
The 2025 provisional budget includes the following:
This equals to an annual increase of $272 or roughly $22.67 per month in taxes and fees for a typical household.
Council will have opportunities to review and amend the Financial Plan in April 2025 before adopting the 2025 Property Tax Rates Bylaw. For more information on the 2025-2029 Provisional Financial Plan, please visit
Link to Strategic Plan: The 2025-2029 Provisional Financial Plan supports Council’s Strategic Framework.
Key Points
"The 2025 budget supports Council's commitment to public safety - the cornerstone of a healthy and thriving community. Investing in pedestrian safety improvements, additional fire fighters and Community Safety Officers as well as support for affordable housing contributes to a safe, inclusive and livable community for all."
City of Nanaimo
Preparations are under way for the City of Nanaimo's 2025-2029 Financial Plan with a number of opportunities for residents to review the details of the budget and ask questions during a budget-focused eTown Hall.
Council will begin reviewing draft budgets and project plans over the course of three Special Finance and Audit Committee meetings on Nov. 27, Dec. 4 and 6. All meetings are open to the public and will be held in the Vancouver Island Conference Centre's Shaw Auditorium.
The eTown Hall will take place on Monday, Dec. 2 at 7 p.m. during the Council Meeting and will run for one hour. If necessary, an additional 30 minutes will be allocated. Residents can participate in the eTown Hall in a number of ways, including:
In addition, a form has been added to a Budget Talks advertisements in the Nov. 20 and 27 editions of the Nanaimo News Bulletin, which residents can fill out and drop off to City Hall before 4:30 p.m. on Nov. 29.
The draft financial plan and other related documents will be available to review prior to the meetings at Anyone wishing to watch the meetings but cannot attend, can view them on the City website at or on Rogers TV Nanaimo channel 4 or 105.
Link to Strategic Plan: Being transparent in the budgeting process and providing opportunities for public input contribute to the strategic priority of Governance Excellence.
"The City's budget process plays a pivotal role in delivering services to the community. I encourage Nanaimo's citizens to review the draft budget, join us at the budget presentations and get your budget-related questions ready for the e-Town Hall or send us your comments," Leonard Krog, Mayor
Nov. 20, 2024
To help avoid flooding during heavy rain or melting snow, residents are asked to clear leaves and debris from catch basins at storm drains near their properties. In the event of snow, property owners or occupants are required to remove snow and ice from sidewalks in front of their properties within 24 hours, so that pedestrians have a safe place to walk and can stay clear of oncoming traffic. The City will clear sidewalks around parks, bridges, commuter trails and major City facilities as quickly as staff can get to them. Residents should also ensure they have supplies in the event of a major snow fall or power outage.
Should waste pick up be interrupted due to road conditions, notices will be sent out through the Nanaimo Recycles app, on Facebook and the website. If pick up is delayed, please ensure you maximize the use of all three bins so your garbage doesn't fill up before the other bins, thoroughly rinse recycling to avoid attracting pests and break cardboard down to maximize space.
When in Nanaimo's Parks
Please use caution in Nanaimo's parks during stormy weather. Trails, boardwalks, bridges, stairs and playground equipment can become slippery and hazardous when there is rain, snow and ice. They can be littered with debris and even tree branches during and after windstorms. After a rain storm or a snow melt, rivers can experience high flow conditions, so please exercise extreme caution when using trailways along riverbanks. Avoid venturing in wooded areas in Nanaimo's parks and trails during periods of high winds. To report any concerns or issues in Nanaimo's parks and trails, please call 250-756-5200 or email
On the Roads
During a snowfall, the City's priority is to plow and maintain priority 1 routes, which are emergency routes and all major roads. Residential areas are typically plowed and maintained within 96 hours unless snow and icy conditions return plow crews back to priority 1 routes. Roads can become narrower as plows clear snow to the sides. To help, residents can park in their driveways, or on even sides of the road on even-numbered days, and on odd sides of the road on odd-numbered days.
Drivers are reminded to ensure vehicles are winter ready for driving in snow and ice conditions. Drivers must slow down and leave extra clearance for snow plows, salt trucks and ice equipment. Drivers should not pass when equipment is operating. For all methods of commuting, be extra alert, aware, be seen and stay safe in any inclement weather.
To report a concern or make a suggestion regarding snow and ice control, please contact the City of Nanaimo Public Works department at 250-758-5222 or
In the case of extreme storm weather that may warrant an emergency response or major closures, alerts will be sent out on the City's emergency alert system. Learn about Voyent Alert! and sign-up for emergency notifications at
Link to Strategic Plan: Ensuring residents are prepared for the winter storm season supports the City's commitment to public safety.
Key Points
"As storm season settles in, it's important to take steps to stay safe and be prepared," says Mayor Leonard Krog. Clearing storm drains in front of your home or business, making sure your vehicle has winter-rated tires and watching for weather alerts. Together, we can make sure Nanaimo is ready for whatever the season brings.
Quick Facts
Sept. 26, 2024
Nanaimo city councillors and staff spend most of last week at the Union of BC Municipalities (UBCM) convention in Vancouver. The annual convention provides elected officials with the opportunity to meet with provincial cabinet ministers and their staff to discuss a range of topics that are a priority for their communities.
During this year’s convention, members of Nanaimo City Council met with the Minister of Health, Minister of Housing, Minister of Public Safety and Solicitor General, Minister of Mental Health and Addictions, Minister of Indigenous Relations and Reconciliation and the Minister of Water, Land and Resource Stewardship. These meetings at UBCM provide an opportunity for local governments to highlight some of the topics that matter most to their constituents and advocate for provincial support. A range of topics were discussed including the need for a cath lab and new patient tower at Nanaimo Regional General Hospital; the need for more complex care, detox and recovery spaces; and the need for provincial support in responding to RCMP resource challenges and increased costs.
Local governments come together during a series of sessions at the convention to debate and vote on resolutions which were previously endorsed by Councils or Regional Boards. The resolutions sessions provide an opportunity for local governments from across the province to express concerns, share their experiences and take a united position. This year, five of the resolutions submitted by Nanaimo City Council were endorsed, calling for UBCM to take the following actions:
The City of Nanaimo was also presented with two awards for its leadership in sustainability at the convention. Nanaimo was awarded UBCM's Community Excellence Award for Excellence in Sustainability for Nanaimo's City Plan, Integrated Action Plan and Monitoring Strategy as well as the Community Energy Association's 2024 Climate & Energy Action Award for its BC Energy Step Code and Zero Carbon Step Code Implementation Strategy.
“During this year’s UBCM convention, Council had the opportunity to meet with six ministries on a wide range of critical issues, from housing and healthcare to protecting biodiversity and public safety. We were pleased to receive majority support for our UBCM resolutions, as we work to advocate for the needs of our community and address challenges shared by municipalities across BC," said Hilary Eastmure, Acting Mayor/Councillor, "The awards presented to Nanaimo are a credit to our community and residents for the vision shown throughout the Nanaimo ReImagined public engagement and consultation process that led to our City Plan, to our excellent staff who worked hard on these projects, and lastly to Council for supporting progressive sustainability policies.”
To learn more about Council's advocacy efforts visit the Advocacy page on the City website.
Nomination open for Port Authority Board
Nanaimo City Council is on the lookout for an individual interested to help steer the ship on the Nanaimo Port Authority Board of Directors. The current term is three years with an option for two extensions - a total of up to nine years.
In order to support the Nanaimo Port Authority Board of Directors in completing their work, the successful candidate will have experience in business, community service, financial sector, legal/governance, marine operations, marine transportation, port operations and Indigenous relations.
For more information about the role on the Nanaimo Port Authority including the preferred skills and abilities, mandate, eligibility requirements, time commitments, responsibilities and remuneration, please visit the City’s website at
Interested applicants must submit a completed application form to the Legislative Services Department by 4:00 p.m. on Wednesday, October 9, 2024.
Mail/in-person: Legislative Services, 455 Wallace Street, Nanaimo, BC V9R 5J6
Link to Strategic Plan: This position supports the City Plan’s goal of a Prosperous Nanaimo which focuses on a thriving and resilient economy.
"The Port Authority is a vital part of our city’s economy, helping to drive growth and opportunity. Serving on the Board of Directors is a significant responsibility that demands talent and dedication. I urge our city’s best and brightest to consider applying for this important role."
City of Nanaimo
Alternative Approval Process
for Public Works Yard Updates begins Sept. 18
An Alternative Approval Process (AAP) to obtain approval from residents to borrow an amount not to exceed $90 million to finance the cost of constructing a fleet maintenance and a crew and administration building begins on Wednesday, Sept. 18, 2024.
Eligible voters in Nanaimo will have a 42-day period to oppose the borrowing bylaw and may do so by filling out an elector response form which will be available to pick up at City Hall or the City's website beginning at 8:30 a.m. on Sept. 18. If you are in favour of the City borrowing the funding for this project, no action is required.
As in an election, each eligible voter is permitted one response. Completed forms must be received by the Corporate Officer no later than by 4:30 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 31, 2024. Details on how to submit a completed form can be found on the City’s Alternative Approval Process page.
The City is hosting tours of the Public Works Yard for residents to learn more about the project, the services Public Works provides and the AAP. Register for a 45-minute guided tour of Nanaimo’s Public Works Yard online at (click "Register for a Program" and search "Public Works") or call 250-756-5200. Tours take place:
o learn about how an Alternative Approval Process works and eligibility requirements, visit For more information on the Public Works Yard Updates Project Alternative Approval Process visit the City website at and for more information on the project visit
Link to Strategic Plan: N/A
Key Points
"Residents are invited to learn more about the project and the AAP by attending a tour of the Public Works Yard. Should an eligible elector oppose the borrowing bylaw, they can fill out an elector response form which will be available at City Hall or by downloading one from the City website. Response forms will be available beginning 8:30 a.m. on Sept. 18 and must be submitted by 4:30 p.m. on Oct. 31, 2024, in person, through our online submission form or via mail to City Hall."
Director, Legislative Services
Goggle Streetview
Businesses remain open and accessible as work Commercial Street work begins Tuesday
After three years of public engagement, design and planning, the first phase of construction for the Design Commercial Project is about to begin. Construction crews begin work on Tuesday, September 3, and work is expected to carry through until early May, 2025.
The first phase of work will see traffic shut down on a section of Commercial Street (Wharf Street to Church Street), but pedestrian access will be maintained. Downtown patrons and visitors are encouraged to continue to access the street’s wonderfully unique blend of shops, restaurants, services and more; businesses will remain open and accessible.
While street parking in the construction zone will not be available, there are some great parkades in the area. For a look at the different City parking lots and parkades available and within a short walking distance to Commercial Street, take a look at the City’s Downtown Parking Map
For up-to-date project details, visit
Link to Strategic Plan: Improvements to the downtown core support Nanaimo's economic health by increasing pride of place and stimulating the economy.
Key Points
"If a vibrant downtown is often considered the heart of a community, then the Design Commercial Project is the defibrillator that will bring a new rhythm to Downtown Nanaimo. This project will recreate Commercial Street as an inviting, people-first space, but the work ahead will at times seem long. Please remember to support our great downtown businesses through this time of construction and revitalization.”"
Gold medalist Ethan Katzberg
Congratulations to Ethan Katzberg
August 6, 2024
Message from Mayor Leonard Krog, City of Nanaimo
Nanaimo is a community made up of some truly incredibly people, and every once in a while, one of our great citizens really puts Nanaimo’s name on the map.
This weekend, 22-year-old Ethan Katzberg won the men’s hammer throw at the 2024 Olympics in Paris, bringing a gold medal home to Canada and reminding folks around the world that Nanaimo is a city that’s known for much more than our famous dessert. We are proud to have been this champion’s first hammer-throw community.
Ethan’s winning throw from this year’s Olympic ring flew an incredible 84.12 metres, just over half a metre shy of the Olympic men's hammer throw record. Although Kamloops, B.C. is his current home, he grew up here in Nanaimo, training and hammer throwing with his father and his sister, and with the Nanaimo Track and Field Club at Nanaimo’s Rotary Bowl.
To Ethan’s family, coaches and support team, thank you for your leadership; we know greatness takes a positive and encouraging team.
And to Ethan, on behalf of the City of Nanaimo and all of our residents celebrating with you, thank you and congratulations on a spectacular and dominant victory on the greatest athletic world stage. We look forward to welcoming you back home.
Nominations open for 2023 Civic Sport Merit Awards and Arts/Culture Merit Awards
"There is a great sense of pride for each winning performance by Nanaimo’s athletes, teams and performing artists,” says Mayor Leonard Krog. “Their hard work and accomplishments bring recognition to our community as they compete at provincial, national and international stages. Council is honoured to acknowledge and celebrate their outstanding achievements," he adds.
The City is looking to recognize individuals or groups who were awarded outstanding achievement in the areas of sport, arts and culture in 2023. Awards are given to individuals or groups who receive International, National, Western Canadian or Provincial first-place honours. The deadline for application is September 16.
Awards will be presented on October 21 at a regular Council Meeting. City Council presents certificates of congratulations and medallions to individuals, groups, teams, and clubs who have brought Provincial, Western Canadian, and National or International-level recognition to our City. Recipients must be residents of Nanaimo and must have placed first or received highest standing in their field of endeavour.
Awards are given based on the following considerations:
Visit the City website to complete the online registration process at or email your questions to
Strategic Plan: The Civic Sport Merit Awards and Arts/Culture Merit Awards support Council's directive for livability.
Midtown Water Supply project being prepared for service
Flushing to take place next week
As part of ongoing drinking water reliability and infrastructure resilience improvements, the City is beginning to prepare the new primary water main to be put into service. The first stage of the process is to begin flushing, which will occur on Monday, July 15 and Tuesday, July 16.
The new water supply main, essential for potable water for two-thirds of Nanaimo, will be flushed to remove dirt and debris, helping with later sterilization. Given the extensive scope of the project and its location in high-traffic areas, residents and commuters are likely to notice increased activity along the project site, and may observe running water.
The new primary main is part of broader drinking water infrastructure upgrades, including replacing the existing prestressed concrete pressure pipe underneath Bowen Road. This proactively prevents further large failures as was experienced in April 2020, impacting Nanaimo Regional General Hospital. Notably, this is the same type of pipe that recently failed in Calgary; the Midtown Water Supply project eliminates the last of the prestressed concrete pressure pipe in Nanaimo.
Flushing will use approximately seven million litres of water and begin at 10 am Monday. This has been planned and accounted for within the storage system to minimize impact this time of the year.
Link to Strategic Plan: Maintaining and Growing Current Services: To ensure that the City continues to plan for, maintain and grow its services while ensuring we are fiscally responsible and responsive to our community’s evolving needs.
Key Points
"Getting ready to put the water supply main into service is a significant milestone in the Midtown Water Supply project to greatly advance Nanaimo's drinking water resilience. We've witnessed the disruption failures of prestressed concrete pressure pipe can cause here in Nanaimo and most recently, Calgary. This new water supply main will preempt future large scale disruptions. We appreciate the community's understanding and cooperation during this phase."
General Manager, Engineering and Public Works
Vehicle access changes at Westwood Lake Park
Additional improvements coming to popular park
June 26, 2024
The City is implementing access changes to Westwood Lake Park in advance of park improvements which are planned for construction this fall and winter.
Starting this week, the third (and final) gate access into the park at the end of Westwood Road will be accessible to boat launch traffic only.
All other vehicle traffic wishing to enter the park must now do so through the new parking lot on Westwood Road.The gravel parking lot close to second beach is also accessible through the new parking lot.
Park users are asked to follow on-site signage and flaggers will be on-site this week and through the Canada Day long weekend to help parks users get used to the change.
This change is being made along with minor beach maintenance including the removal of the old metal railing at the rear of the beach, topping up of beach sand and the installation of a temporary pop-up parkette in what was the parking lot just behind first beach.
Link to Strategic Plan: Providing enhancements to our parks and open spaces supports a livable community.
Key Points
"Access to Nanaimo's waterfront is one of the most commonly requested community park requests. Improvements to the beach and amenities at Westwood Lake Park will make water access easier and safer for fun, fitness and relaxation."
City of Nanaimo announces call
for 2025 street banner designs
Designs are asked to reflect
on metamorphosis and change
The City of Nanaimo invites all amateur and professional artists and designers to submit their proposals to the 2025 Street Banner Design Program. The banners will be on display in spring 2025 and will create a vibrant visual presence in Nanaimo’s downtown area including the Arts District downtown, along Bowen Road, Third Street and other major routes. The call is open to artists and designers at all levels of experience, currently living in British Columbia.
For next years' theme, artists and designers are asked to reflect on the concept of metamorphosis and change. How do things change? How do they stay the same? Living on Canada’s west coast we bear witness to a landscape in constant transformation, but change extends beyond that of our physical environment. In our community, in our families, in our personal relationships, in our daily connections, change is ubiquitous.
The 2025 Street Banner Program theme hopes to reflect positive instances of change and transformation in our community and/or world at large, illustrate metamorphosis and change in nature, creatively combine concepts of change and transformation in disparate settings, and consider the ways in which art and culture provoke change, awakening new perspectives and ideas.
View thematic details, design specifications and submission requirements online:
The deadline to submit applications is Monday, August 26 at 11:59 PM PST.
Link to Strategic Plan: The Street Banner Design Program aligns with the goals of the City of Nanaimo’s City Plan by facilitating opportunities for the public to encounter art and culture in public spaces throughout the city and as part of their daily experiences; by making art visible and accessible throughout the City, in Urban Centres, and Downtown; by promoting the role that culture and the creative sector play in the community with respect to community identity and quality of life.
Key Points
"There’s no better signaling of spring than the Street Banner Program adding colour and vibrancy to our City streets each year. We look forward to once again showcasing the talents of a local artist as we celebrate arts and culture being visible and accessible throughout the City!"
Leonard Krog, Mayor
May is invasive plant cleanup time in the city
The signs of spring are everywhere, including native blooms like Fawn Lilies, Camas and Sea Blush.
It is time once again that the City of Nanaimo partners with many community groups on invasive plant removal in our parks and offers a "drop zone" where invasive plants from homeowners can be disposed of as a way to encourage and raise awareness of the impact in our parks and natural areas.
Invasive plants have the potential to negatively impact local ecosystems. Plants, such as English Ivy, Scotch Broom and Himalayan Blackberry are well established in Nanaimo while others, such as Knotweed and Giant Hogweed are relatively new but can have severe negative impacts on residents and infrastructure. Volunteer work parties with City staff take place at various locations throughout the City, including Linley Valley Park, Bowen Park, Third Street Park and Pipers Lagoon Park. Additionally, residents who remove invasive plants from their own property can bring them to the drop zone on June 1 for safe disposal.
The City of Nanaimo would like to thank Broombusters who have been cutting broom along local roads and greenspaces. Evidence of their hard work can be found along corridors around the city where piles of cut broom are waiting to be disposed of. These will be chipped and removed in the upcoming month once the broom cutting season is complete and these piles of broom have dried enough to be successfully chipped.
If you are interested in participating in scheduled work parties or would like to co-ordinate one on your own, please register through the City website or call 250-756-5200 for more information. The annual drop zone will take place on Saturday, June 1, 10 am to 2 pm at Bowen Park (off of Wall Street). The City of Nanaimo is grateful for those helping to maintain our natural areas and restoring the integrity of our native ecology.
Link to Strategic Plan: Invasive species control falls under Environmental Responsibility.
Key Points
"As we near the end of Invasive Species Action Month, the City of Nanaimo would like to acknowledge all the hard work of our volunteers working in our parks, greenspaces and boulevards to tackle invasive plants trying to invade our community. Thank you for helping to make a difference!"
Leonard Krog, Mayor
Board of Directors confirmed for 55-plus Games
The nomination committee of the 55+ BC Games, led by President Diana Johnstone and Vice-President Mary Smith, are pleased to announce the appointment of 11 individuals to serve as the Board of Directors for the upcoming 55+ BC Games in Nanaimo.
Following the April 2024 nomination process, 11 nominees were presented and approved by Nanaimo City Council on Monday, May 6.
The appointed directors are:
Link to Strategic Plan: C4.8.2 Continue to host, permit, and support festivals, celebrations, sporting events, and other events in public spaces, C4.8.13 Provide logistical support to events, festivals, tournaments, and gatherings – especially those in the shoulder and off-seasons, IAP #152 (C4.8.13) Work with Tourism Nanaimo and the Nanaimo Hospitality Association to attract shoulder-season and off-season events and gatherings such as the BC 55+ Games
Key Points
"We are grateful to have such a skilled and committed Board of Directors in place to begin planning the 55+ Games. Nanaimo is known to be an exceptional host community, and I am certain this group will provide the leadership needed to pull together another memorable event."
Final financial plan sets 7.7 per cent tax rate increase
At the May 6 Regular Council Meeting, Nanaimo City Council adopted the final 2024-2028 Financial Plan and 2024 Property Tax Rates bylaws. An increase of 6.7 per cent to cover operating costs and one per cent for the General Asset Management Reserve has been set for 2024. For the average home in Nanaimo, this equates to an additional $204 annually or $17/month for the City portion of a household's tax bill.
The 2024-2028 Financial Plan supports Council's Strategic Framework and the Integrated Action Plan, along with investment to maintain more than $4.8 billion worth of assets. Some highlights include:
Property taxes are due by July 2, 2024. Residents can make payments in a number of ways:
Tax notices are being prepared and will be mailed to property owners in the coming days. Along with their notice, residents will find the City's annual printed newsletter, City Updates. This newsletter can be viewed online at
For more information on the 2024-2028 Financial Plan, visit
Link to Strategic Plan: The 2024-2028 Financial Plan supports all six of the key focus areas of Council's Strategic Framework.
Key Points
"This year’s budget ensures that our city can provide the services residents depend on and that we are responding to our community’s needs through investments in public safety and infrastructure as well as improvements to some of our key parks and recreation spaces. Financial planning helps place us in a strong position to support our community as we look ahead to the future."
Quick Facts
Musical acts for Concerts in the Park announced
Popular series returns for 2024
The City of Nanaimo's Department of Parks, Recreation and Culture is pleased to announce the schedule for the 2024 Concerts in the Park series. The free concerts showcase local talent against the backdrop of some of Nanaimo's most beautiful parks.
Concert-goers will have the opportunity to enjoy a variety of music genres, including motown, indie rock, folk/blues, and celtic. Audience members are reminded to bring a chair or a blanket and to dress for the weather. New this year are a number of double or triple feature shows which will allow families to enjoy a variety of entertainment along with a picnic or dinner in the park.
The 2024 schedule is as follows:
Sun, May 12, 1-2 p.m. - Laura Kelsey at Colliery Dam Park (as part of Family Fishing Day)
Fri, May 17, 6-8:15 p.m. - Mostly Motown and Turnpike at Maffeo Sutton Park (double feature in partnership with Food Truck Fridays)
Wed, June 12, 6-7 p.m. - Baby Bleu at Kin Park
Fri, June 28, 5-8:30 p.m. - The Shindigs, Danger Box and Maverick Cinema at Maffeo Sutton Park (triple feature in partnership with Food Truck Fridays)
Wed, July 10, 6-7 p.m. - Dagger Harbour at McGregor Park
Wed, July 17, 6-7 p.m. - String Fever at Pipers Lagoon Park
Wed, July 31, 6-7 p.m. - Cosmic Dust at Harewood Centennial Park
Wed, Aug 7, 6-7 p.m. - Piu at the Bowen Park Amphitheatre
Wed, Aug 14, 6-7 p.m. - Dublin2 at Oliver Woods
Wed, Aug 21, 6-7 p.m. - Mike Alviano at Westwood Lake Park
Fri, August 23, 6-8:15 p.m. - Sundown: The Gordon Lightfoot Experience and The Shineolas at Maffeo Sutton Park (double feature in partnership with Food Truck Fridays)
A schedule with further details on each performance is available on the City of Nanaimo website. Please note that parking is limited at many parks, citizens are encouraged to use alternative transportation when possible.
Link to Strategic Plan: In the Official Community Plan (C4.8) Community events, festivals, tournaments, and gatherings are an essential part of how we celebrate who we are as a city and a people.
Key Points
"Concerts in the Park is a beloved tradition in Nanaimo, and an excellent way to showcase our talented, local musicians. I invite you to pack a picnic and enjoy free entertainment in our spectacular parks this summer."
Quick Facts
New provincial short-term rental regulations
The provincial government has passed the Short-Term Rental Accommodation Act to restrict short-term rentals (STRs) and provide stronger tools for municipalities to return more housing units to the long-term rental market. The following changes will take place over the next year:
May 1, 2024
Summer 2024
Late 2024/Early 2025
For more information visit the City’s Short-Term Rental webpage, or the Province’s Short-Term Rentals webpage.
Key Points
"The new provincial regulations on short-term rentals will ensure a fair and sustainable housing market for our community, while also meeting long-term housing demands. These measures will help preserve the integrity of our neighborhoods and support affordable housing initiatives for residents."
City of Nanaimo
Quick Facts
Did you know that if you operate a short term rental in Nanaimo, you need a business licence?
City crews set to clean 10,000 catch basins
Beginning Monday, April 15, City Public Works staff and contractors will be out cleaning the City's inventory of storm water catch basins.
Starting in the Duke Point area, crews will work their way north along various streets of Nanaimo. This work involves large equipment and staff working on the road. Please approach with caution and obey traffic control personnel's directions. The annual catch basin cleaning program is expected to be complete by August.
Key Points
"Nanaimo's storm drains play an important role in collecting the rainwater from roads, which then empties into the ocean. Through our annual maintenance program, we are able to divert pollutants from our waterways. Furthermore, it provides an opportunity for our staff to inspect each catch basin to identify any needed repairs."
Bill Sims
General Manager, Engineering & Public Works
The City of Nanaimo is pleased to announce the appointment of two key positions for the 2025 British Columbia 55+ Games.
Diana Johnstone has accepted the position of President and Mary Smith has accepted the position of Vice-President.
They will oversee the establishment of a Nomination Committee who will then assemble a board of 11 directors and their respective committee chairs. This team will ultimately lead the planning and implementation of the Nanaimo Games.
Both the President and Vice-President positions are volunteer roles and were appointed by City Council earlier this spring.
Diana Johnstone has been involved with several large provincial sporting events hosted in Nanaimo, including the BC Summer Games held in 1985, 2002 and 2014, the Disability Games in 1987 and 2005 and the BC Senior Games held in 2007. Diana has been honoured as the recipient of The Economic Development Group award in 2007, the Nanaimo’s Sport Administrator of the Year, the British Columbia Community Achievement Award in 2008 and the Freeman of the City of Nanaimo in 2014. Diana was also a two-term Nanaimo City Councillor.
Mary Smith was involved with the last two Nanaimo BC Summer Games in the role of City staff liaison in 2002 and as a key volunteer in 2014. Mary retired from the City of Nanaimo after a 34-year career with Parks, Recreation & Culture where she worked extensively with community organizations and managed multiple recreation facilities.
The event will encompass 32 sport competitions as well as cultural and social opportunities, and could see up to 4,000 participants plus coaches and spectators attend the Nanaimo event.
To support the Games, the building at 2450 Northfield Rd., formerly home to Tourism Nanaimo, will be repurposed as the Nanaimo 55+ Organizing Committee headquarters. Signage went up at the new location earlier this week.
Link to Strategic Plan: C4.8: Community Events, Festivals, Tournaments & Gatherings.
Key Points
"We are thrilled to have the passion and experience both Diana and Mary bring to the table as they lead the community in the delivery of the British Columbia 55+ Games in 2025 in Nanaimo. These games will showcase our exceptional sport hosting facilities and the welcoming nature of Nanaimo. I am confident in their leadership as we develop an unforgettable experience for athletes, officials and spectators alike. Let the planning begin!"
Leonard Krog, Mayor
Recognizing 150 years of incorporation
Corporate logo and street banners to be displayed throughout Nanaimo
On December 24, 1874, Nanaimo officially became the sixth municipality to be incorporated in British Columbia. Marking the milestone will be a number of activities and initiatives, beginning with the release of the corporate logo and street banners. 150 years of incorporation provides a chance to highlight the City of Nanaimo's successes while recognizing its citizens and community partners who have contributed to Nanaimo’s vibrancy over the past century and a half.
The logo and banner were both designed by local artist Amy Pye. The designs were inspired by the convergence of land and sea, and the unique blend of urban and rural life that makes our landscape truly exceptional. Pye's design intends to grab attention and inspire thoughtful reflection about our city throughout the year.
The street banners will be installed along Nanaimo's streets and in our parks, and the corporate logo will be integrated into the City's everyday business for the year ahead.
Link to Strategic Plan: Recognizing 150 years as a corporation by practicing good governance and corporate excellence and also recognizing past and present staff and former leaders.
Key Points
"Reaching 150 years is a remarkable achievement, marking a significant chapter in Nanaimo's history. Over these years, our city has welcomed people from all walks of life, witnessed pivotal global events, and is poised for continued growth in the future. I extend my appreciation to all those who have contributed to our journey, past and present, and as we anticipate the next 150 years, let us also honour the enduring legacy of the Snuneymuxw First Nation, whose connection to this land predates our own."
Quick Facts
Application period now open for members of
Advisory Committee on Accessibility and Inclusiveness
The City is lookinh got spplivsnyd to fill a vacancy on the Advisory Committee on Accessibility and Inclusiveness (ACAI).
The purpose of the ACAI is to promote social and political equity within existing and proposed City plans, policies, bylaws and infrastructure and make recommendations to council that will ensure that the City is inclusive and accommodating to citizens of all ages, abilities and walks of life. The term for this volunteer committee will end October 2026.
Those interested in joining the committee are encouraged to visit the City website to review the terms of reference before submitting an application. Residents of Nanaimo who have experience related to matters of accessibility and inclusiveness and wish to make a difference in their community are encouraged to apply.
Application forms can be submitted online, downloaded from, or picked up from Legislative Services in City Hall (455 Wallace Street). Applications will be accepted until 3:30 p.m. on Friday, March 29.
Link to Strategic Plan: The Advisory Committee on Accessibility and Inclusiveness supports City Plan's Empowered Nanaimo goals.
Key Points
"The Advisory Committee on Accessibility and Inclusiveness helps to foster a community that is welcoming and accessible to all. I invite anyone who wants to contribute to a more inclusive Nanaimo to submit an application."
Leonard Krog, Mayor
Quick Facts
Paid parking will address street parking demand near Nanaimo Hospital
New HotSpot Parking app provides
convenient and accessible payment option
March 12, 2024 12:00 P.M.
The City of Nanaimo is bringing in pay parking and introducing web-based, mobile HotSpot Parking to the street parking areas around Nanaimo Regional General Hospital. This responds to the growing street parking challenges faced by residents and visitors to the hospital and businesses and surrounding areas.
Drivers can pay by scanning the HotSpot QR code signage with their smartphone or by downloading the HotSpot Parking app. Parking will be by licence plate number. For convenience, the payment process accommodates all major credit cards, Google Pay, Apple Pay and Visa Debit. Signage will be put up in affected areas to help with the transition to the new parking system. There will be traditional parking kiosks on Boundary Avenue and Dufferin Crescent as well.
Parking rates will be consistent with Downtown rates at $1.25 per hour. Pay parking will be in effect Monday to Friday, 8 am to 5 pm. Free weekends and evenings.
Revenues from parking fees will maintain, enforce and repair current parking infrastructure, including upkeep and operation of meters. Pay parking revenue supports parking-related projects including development, replacement or refurbishing of City assets related to parking infrastructure.
Prior to the pandemic, the Hospital Area Parking Strategy laid out an approach to help with parking demand on the surrounding streets. With parking patterns returning to normal, it is timely to roll out on-street pay parking.
"As our city grows, so will the demands on our infrastructure. The addition of HotSpot Parking is consistent with our mission to deliver efficient services and improve the overall quality of life for Nanaimo residents."
City of Nanaimo
The City of Nanaimo celebrates
local excellence at the 2024 Culture Awards
Every year since 1998, the City of Nanaimo has celebrated local excellence in arts and culture through its annual Culture Awards event. The awards celebrate local excellence and honour achievement. Recognizing outstanding organizations, groups or individuals in the arts and culture fields, the Culture Awards foster community awareness and pride in the calibre of arts and culture activity in Nanaimo and the dynamic impact of the sector on our community’s economic, social and cultural well-being.
2024 Culture Award recipients will be honoured at a free community event at the Port Theatre on the evening of Wednesday, Apr. 3, 2024. The public is invited to attend, celebrating the achievements of these extraordinary individuals, while enjoying an evening of free entertainment by Nanaimo’s very own local talent including Nanaimo's Youth Poet Laureate, Vibrant Studios (vibe), Brigadoon Dance Academy, and Alternative-Island-Folk duo, From the Earth! Tickets are available through the Port Theatre:
Award recipients are named by Council. The City accepts Culture Award nominations from the community, which are reviewed by a panel comprised of leaders in the arts and culture sector, former Culture Award recipients and City staff. More information on the Culture Awards including past recipients can be found on the City’s website:
EXCELLENCE IN CULTURE 2024: Paul Roland Gogo
This award is presented to an organization or individual that has achieved regional and/or national recognition in the field of arts and is recognized as a “Nanaimo Artist”, has demonstrated excellence in their field, and is a significant inspiration to others. Past recipients include Grant Leier & Nixie Barton (2015), Susan Juby (2016), Jacqui Kaese (2017), Rick Scott (2018), and Devon Joiner (2020), Ay Lelum (2021), Brendan Tang (2022), and Joel Good (2023).
For thirty years, Paul Roland Gogo has been a keyboard player, and multi-instrumentalist, for recently-inducted Canadian Hall of Fame Band TROOPER. His parents were both prominent Nanaimo musicians, and his commitment to contributing culturally to Nanaimo began early as a child dance performer. Over the course of his career he has made significant strides in music, especially as a member of TROOPER. The band has toured across Canada, and was recently inducted into the Canadian Music Hall of Fame. Paul has also actively contributed to the cultural community through music projects where he has served as songwriter, producer, and videographer, and made a significant impact on a local level through performances at Nanaimo schools and seniors residences. Paul’s career is a reflection of his commitment to arts, culture and community.
HONOUR IN CULTURE 2024: Sukhi Sangha
This award is presented to an individual, group, or corporation that is known for its dedication and support of the development of the cultural fabric of Nanaimo. Past recipients include Arlene Blundell (2015), Debbie Trueman (2016), Gerda Hofman (2017), William Good (2018), Dean Chadwick (2019), Trish & Geoff Horrocks (2020), Marianne Turley (2021), Christine Whitelaw (2021), Bruce Halliday (2022), and Margot Holmes (2023).
Sukhi Sangha is the founder of Vancouver Island Bhangra. She comes from a small community in North Delta, settling in Nanaimo in 2020. Through her dedication to cultural education and outreach in the sharing and promotion of Bhangra, Sukhi has played a pivotal role in fostering inclusivity, cultural education and exchange, and cultural preservation. Sukhi also serves as a volunteer on the Board of Directors for the Crimson Coast Dance Society. Sukhi’s contributions and commitment to community have played a foundational role in introducing South Asian Arts to Vancouver Island, enriching and contributing to the diversity of Nanaimo’s cultural community.
This award recognizes up-and-coming, Nanaimo-based cultural leaders. This award targets individuals under 30 years of age who have contributed significantly to the cultural life in Nanaimo. Recipients must be recognized by their peers and the community as a whole, to have given distinguished service in arts and culture and / or have been recognized for excellence in an arts or cultural field. Past recipients include Shayd Johnson (2014), Amanda Scott (2015), Lys Glassford (2016), Nico Rhodes (2019), Patrick Aleck (2020), and Eliot White-Hill (2022).
Annalise Lam is a dedicated, passionate, and talented young Highland dancer. Annalise was the first dancer from Vancouver Island to win the World Highland Dance Championships in forty years. There has never been a dancer from Nanaimo win a World Highland Dance Championship until Annalise. Annalise dedicates time to volunteering in the community, teaching younger dancers her craft, and performing at local festivals, seniors residences, and in cultural spaces such as the Nanaimo Museum. Annalise has represented Highland Dance nationally and internationally, representing BC at the Canadian Championships, being selected to represent Canada in the Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo and perform in Edinburgh Castle, and competing in the 2022 Commonwealth Championship in Scotland.
Link to Strategic Plan:The 2024 Culture Awards align with the goals of the City of Nanaimo’s Strategic Plan and the Cultural Plan for a Creative Nanaimo by: creating a vibrant culture of innovation, stewardship and partnership to encourage a diverse and healthy economy now and into the future; supporting arts and culture as an integral part of everyday life; and strengthening the creative sector by investing in organizations and people who animate our cultural spaces.
The annual Culture Awards program celebrates and honours local excellence and achievement.
2024 recipients include: Excellence in Culture Award to Paul Roland Gogo; Honour in Culture Award to Sukhi Sangha; Emerging Cultural Leader to Annalise Lam.
2024 Culture Award recipients will be honoured at a free community event at the Port Theatre on the evening of Wednesday, Apr. 3, 2024. Tickets:
"On behalf of City Council, I wish to congratulate our extraordinarily talented 2024 Culture Award recipients! The creativity, dedication, and leadership demonstrated by these esteemed individuals is an inspiration, highlighting the talent and diversity of our remarkable arts and culture community."
"We are excited to welcome the community to a free evening of performances at the Port Theatre in celebration of this year’s City of Nanaimo Culture Award recipients! Everyone is invited to this fun all-ages event featuring local performers from across the cultural community. Congratulations to the 2024 Culture Award winners – we look forward to seeing you on April 3."
Manager, Culture & Special Events
City of Nanaimo
Alternative Approval process begins for
Nanaimo Operations Centre first phase
The process runs from Jan. 18 to Feb. 20.
The Alternative Approval Process (AAP) to gain permission from residents to borrow an amount not to exceed $48,500,000 to finance the cost of construction of Phase 1 of the Nanaimo Operation Centre begins today. Eligible voters in Nanaimo will have a 34-day period to vote against the borrowing bylaw and may do so by filling out a response form which is available at City Hall and can be printed off from the City website.
As in an election, each eligible voter is permitted one response. Completed forms must be dropped off or mailed to City Hall by 4:30 pm on Tuesday, Feb. 20. The City cannot accept copies of forms, or forms that are emailed or faxed.
For more information on the Nanaimo Operations Centre Alternative Approval Process visit the City website at, and for more information on the project,
Key Points
The Nanaimo Operations Centre Phase One Borrowing Bylaw 2023 No. 7362 is the first in this project consisting of four phases over a number of years to replace and consolidate public works and parks operations onto one site.
The Alternative Approval Process has begun and will remain open until 4:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 20, 2024.
A Special Governance and Priorities Committee meeting on Thursday, Jan. 18 about the Nanaimo Operations Centre project has been postponed to Monday, Jan. 22 at 7 p.m. due to inclement weather. For more information, visit the meetings page on the City
If 10 per cent or more of eligible voters submit an Alternative Approval Process form in opposition, the borrowing bylaw will be brought back to Council to determine if Council would like to proceed with the matter and next steps.
Director of Legislative Services Sheila Gurrie says the Alternative Approval Process offers eligible electors a convenient way to express their dissent regarding the proposed borrowing bylaw and it's a more cost-effective alternative to a referendum. "Until Feb. 20, individuals can register their opposition by submitting completed response forms to City Hall, eliminating the need for in-person voting, as typically required in a referendum."
Alternative Approval Process Information
Alternative Approval Process for "Nanaimo Operations Centre Phase One Borrowing Bylaw 2023 No. 7362"
Nanaimo Operations Centre project information
Alternative Approval Process begins next week
for Nanaimo Operations Centre contruction
Residents invited to attend Public Works tours, info sessions
An Alternative Approval Process (AAP) to gain permission from residents to borrow an amount not to exceed $48,500,000 to finance the cost of construction of Phase 1 of the Nanaimo Operation Centre (Public Works yard) begins on Thursday, Jan. 18, 2024. Eligible voters in Nanaimo will have a 34-day period to oppose the borrowing bylaw and may do so by filling out a response form which will be available to pick up at City Hall or can be printed off from the City website beginning on Jan. 18, 2024.
As in an election, each eligible voter is permitted one response. Completed forms must be dropped off or mailed to City Hall by 4:30 pm on Tuesday, Feb. 20, 2024. The City cannot accept copies of forms or forms that are emailed or faxed.
The City is hosting information sessions and tours of the Public Works yard for residents to learn more about the project, the services Public Works provides and the AAP. Residents are invited to attend the following:
To learn about how an Alternative Approval Process works and voting eligibility, visit For more information on the Nanaimo Operations Centre Alternative Approval Process visit the City website at and for more information on the project visit
Link to Strategic Plan: N/A
Key Points
"Residents are invited to participate in Public Works tours and information sessions to learn more about the project and the AAP. To voice opposition to the borrowing bylaw, individuals can fill out response forms available at City Hall or downloadable from the City website. Completed forms must be submitted by Feb. 20, 2024, either in person or via mail to City Hall."
Director, Legislative Services
City of Nanaimo
Use keyword "Public Works" when searching
Winter Wonderland event is back at Frank Crane Arena
Six days of free skating sessions
The City of Nanaimo Parks, Recreation and Culture Department is pleased to bring back the popular Winter Wonderland free skating event taking place on December 24 and again from December 26 to 30.
The Frank Crane Arena in Beban Park will be transformed into a "West Coast Winter Wonderland" theme featuring twinkling lights, seasonal music, a forest of real trees, a decorated 1957 blue Chevy truck filled with trees and presents and other holiday decor. Activities over the six days include free skating sessions. In addition, there is no charge for helmet or skate rentals. A Kinsmen Pancake Breakfast will occur on Thursday, December 28 from 9 a.m. to 12 noon at Beban Park Social Centre.
There are still sponsorship opportunities available. If you are a business or organization looking for exposure, consider sponsoring a session. This event attracts 6,000 skaters and gives all the opportunity to come and skate for free. Please contact the Arenas Department at 250-756-5200 for information on how you can be part of this worthwhile Nanaimo tradition.
Check the events section on the City of Nanaimo website ( for specific skating session times and the corresponding sponsors of the sessions.
Link to Strategic Plan: Cultural Vitality, Community Building Partnerships
Key Points
"Winter Wonderland is a Nanaimo tradition! For six days each year, the Frank Crane Arena is transformed into a winter theme with an abundance of participation. The City of Nanaimo is grateful for the local businesses and organizations for their support in bringing this event to our community."
Parks department gearing up
with big New Year's Day event
1215- The City of Nanaimo Parks, Recreation and Culture Department is "launching" into 2024 with its second annual New Year's Day event held at Beban Park on Monday, Jan. 1 from 12-5 p.m. The community is invited to start the new year by actively participating in a variety of activities. These include:
Food trucks and concession will be on site.
Tickets are available on the day of the event or in advance at Beban Park Pool office. Tickets are only $12 or purchase a "festive five" pack for $48, and tickets would make great stocking stuffers.
Visit the City website for more information or call the office of Parks, Recreation and Culture at 250-756-5200.
Link to Strategic Plan: Providing residents with quality recreation opportunities enhances the livability of our City.
Key Points
"Start the new year off right by participating in Activate 2024 at Beban Park! There is something for everyone at this family focused New Year's Day event with Parks, Recreation and Culture. I wish everyone a happy, healthy and prosperous 2024."
City now funding three day-time warming centres
The City is taking measures to support Nanaimo unsheltered population by funding three daytime warming centres. The centres will provide refuge to unsheltered individuals during cold weather and connect them to basic needs and services.
Approximately 138 unsheltered individuals will have daily access to three City-funded warming centres:
To explore other services offered by the City and various organizations assisting vulnerable populations this winter, visit the “Services and Supports” page on the City website. Link to Strategic Plan: Warming centre services supports Council’s goal for a Healthy Nanaimo.
"Council extends its gratitude to Risebridge, the 7-10 Club Society and Island Crisis Care Society for their willingness to work quickly to establish warming centre services. We are pleased to work with our community partners to provide a warm, safe place for unsheltered people to access during cold weather."
City going ahead with second alternative approval
Nanaimo City Council voted to proceed with a second Alternative Approval Processs (AAP) for the borrowing bylaw for up to $48.5 million for the first phase of the Nanaimo Operations Centre (Public Works yard) project.
The revised AAP will commence on Jan. 18, 2024, and conclude at 4:30 p.m. on Feb. 20, 2024. During this period, eligible electors in the City of Nanaimo will have the opportunity to submit their responses regarding the borrowing bylaw. Official forms will be available to pick up from City Hall and for printing from the City website beginning on Jan. 18, 2024.
For more information on the Alternative Approval Process visit the City website at and for more information on the project visit
Link to Strategic Plan: The City of Nanaimo remains committed to transparent and accountable governance.
Key Points
"We acknowledge the administrative oversight in the timing of the notification for the Nanaimo Operations Centre alternative approval process. To ensure a fair and transparent process, the City will run the AAP again, providing citizens with an opportunity to voice their opinions on this project."
Director, Legislative Services
Quick Facts
Now is a good time to prepare for winter weather, storm conditions.
Around the Home
To help avoid flooding during heavy rain or melting snow, residents are asked to clear leaves and debris from catch basins at storm drains near their properties. In the event of snow, property owners or occupants are required to remove snow and ice from sidewalks in front of their properties within 24 hours, so that pedestrians have a safe place to walk and can stay clear of oncoming traffic. The City will clear sidewalks around parks, bridges, commuter trails and major City facilities as quickly as staff can get to them. Residents should also ensure they have supplies in the event of a major snow fall or power outage.
Should waste pick up be interrupted due to road conditions, notices will be sent out through the Nanaimo Recycles app, on Facebook and the website. If pick up is delayed, please ensure you maximize the use of all three bins so your garbage doesn't fill up before the other bins, thoroughly rinse recycling to avoid attracting pests and break cardboard down to maximize space.
When in Nanaimo's Parks
Please use caution in Nanaimo's parks during stormy weather. Trails, boardwalks, bridges, stairs and playground equipment can become slippery and hazardous when there is rain, snow and ice. They can be littered with debris and even tree branches during and after windstorms. After a rain storm or a snow melt, rivers can experience high flow conditions, so please exercise extreme caution when using trailways along riverbanks. To report any concerns or issues in Nanaimo's parks and trails, please call 250-756-5200 or email
On the Roads
During a snowfall, the City's priority is to plow and maintain priority 1 routes, which are emergency routes and all major roads. Residential areas are typically plowed and maintained within 96 hours unless snow and icy conditions return plow crews back to priority 1 routes. Roads can become narrower as plows clear snow to the sides. To help, residents can park in their driveways, or on even sides of the road on even-numbered days, and on odd sides of the road on odd-numbered days.
Drivers are reminded to ensure vehicles are winter ready for driving in snow and ice conditions. Drivers must slow down and leave extra clearance for snow plows, salt trucks and ice equipment. Drivers should not pass when equipment is operating. For all methods of commuting, be extra alert, aware, be seen and stay safe in any inclement weather.
To report a concern or make a suggestion regarding snow and ice control, please contact the City of Nanaimo Public Works department at 250-758-5222 or\
In the case of extreme storm weather that may warrant an emergency response or major closures, alerts will be sent out on the City's emergency alert system. Learn about Voyent Alert! and sign-up for emergency notifications at
Link to Strategic Plan: Ensuring residents are prepared for the winter storm season supports the City's commitment to public safety.
Key Points
"Preparation is the key to weathering any storm. By taking proactive steps around our homes, in our parks, and on the roads, we can ensure safety and readiness in the face of unpredictable weather conditions."
Quick Facts
City seeking youth artists to submit designs for the Youth Lounge
The City of Nanaimo is seeking submissions from Vancouver Island youth artists (ages 13 - 20) for an artistic design that will be used to celebrate and share information about the City’s Youth Lounge. The youth artist whose artwork is selected will receive a $500 honorarium.
Guidelines for submission includes artwork that:
The Call for Youth Artists is open to youth between the ages of 13 and 20, who live on Vancouver Island, and have a connection to Nanaimo and/or understanding of this place.
The Youth Lounge is a free program for youth between the ages of 11-18yrs, offered in partnership with the BGC Central Vancouver Island. The Youth Lounge provides opportunities for youth to spend time with friends, make new friends, play games, find a quiet space to work independently, and engage with others in a fun, inclusive, supervised space. The Youth Lounge offers a variety of free activities such as swimming, skating, air hockey, foosball, video games, homework support, pizza nights and much more. Youth artists are invited to review the complete guidelines including requirements for submission and details on how to apply on the City’s website at
The deadline to submit applications is January 26th, 2024 by 4PM Pacific Time.
Link to Strategic Plan: Facilitating opportunities for the public to encounter art and culture in public spaces throughout the city and as part of their daily experiences; by making arts and culture visible and accessible throughout the city; by fostering equitable opportunities for all community members of different ages, abilities, and backgrounds to create, engage, experience, and contribute to Nanaimo’s arts and culture; by promoting the role that culture and the creative sector play in the community with respect to community identity and quality of life.
Key Points
"This is a wonderful opportunity for youth to leave their mark on the cultural landscape of our community and create something truly special. I encourage our city’s talented young artists to apply to this opportunity and showcase their talent!"
City of Nanaimo
Following the recent Nanaimo Operations Centre (Public Works buildings) Alternative Approval Process (AAP), an administrative error was found in the public notification process. Although staff followed the requirements outlined in the City of Nanaimo Public Notice Bylaw 2022 No. 7325, and ran the AAP for an additional 7 days (37 days instead of the required 30 days), the timing of the advance notice did not meet the Province's legislative requirements.
Due to this administrative error and to ensure an open and transparent process, staff will be recommending a second AAP take place in January 2024. A report will be presented to Council with options for their consideration at their Dec. 4, 2023 Council Meeting. Following their meeting, the City will provide an update on any next steps in the proposed project.
The City apologizes for the oversight and is taking steps to ensure all legislative requirements are met for future AAPs.
Residents encouraged to participate in budget
process through E-townhall meeting on Dec. 4
Nanaimo residents wishing to discuss the City's 2024-2028 Financial Plan will have the opportunity to do so by participating in an upcoming eTown Hall meeting scheduled for Monday, Dec. 4.
The Dec. 4 Regular Council meeting will begin at 7 p.m. with a overview of the 2024 - 2028 Financial Plan followed by a one hour eTown Hall for residents to engage with Council on the budget. Residents are encouraged to review the 2024-2028 Draft Financial Plan on the City website at
To participate in the eTown Hall, residents may submit their questions through the City website at, on X (formally known as Twitter) using the hashtag #NanaimoTH, and on the eTown Hall event page at Residents can also call the City at 250-754-4251, 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday until Dec. 4. During the meeting, they can ask their question in person or send it in online.
Everyone can follow the 2024-2028 Financial Plan approval process. Additional budget presentations and workshops will occur during Special Finance and Audit Committee meetings Nov. 29 and Dec. 1, plus an additional meeting after the eTown Hall on Dec. 6, if required. Materials and recordings from these meetings can be found at
Link to Strategic Plan: Providing opportunities for public input supports the strategic focus of Governance Excellence.
Key Points
"This innovative format has given citizens a venue to participate in the City's budgeting process for over 10 years. I encourage residents to participate wherever they are - in person, on the phone or online."
Quick Facts
Budget and Funding 2024-2028
Watch a snapshot of how our budget is guided by City Plan and Nanaimo City Council's priorities.
City unveils eye-catching,
large-scale sculpture in Old City Quarter
David Martinello’s new sculpture, Compelling Agency, is an intriguing addition to the City’s Temporary Public Art Program
Nov. 20. 2023 – The City of Nanaimo is thrilled to unveil Compelling Agency, commissioned from regional artist David Martinello for Nanaimo’s Temporary Public Art Program.
Located at the heart of Old City Quarter adjacent to the intersection of Wallace and Fitzwilliam Streets, Compelling Agency is an eye-catching, large-scale sculpture constructed of metal and wood. The strength and striking form of the sculpture is intended to resonate with viewers. Fashioned in the silhouette of a tree, its shape and colour relates to the natural growth of the park. Suspended within the frame is a slab of cedar; a focal-point which prompts conversation about a natural resource that's ever-present in our daily lives.
Martinello's intent with Compelling Agency is to draw a viewer's attention to the relationship that humans have with wood and, over time, their relationship with the environment as they observe the natural weathering and evolution of the sculpture during its years on display.
Considering the influence of wood as a material, Compelling Agency behaves as a measure and reflection of our landscape. Our emotive connection to wood’s essence is highlighted in the framing of this resource; its value appraised as being integral to the framework of our lives. Compelling Agency stands symbolically for an evolving habitat while speaking to life in Nanaimo.
An artist talk with David Martinello will take place at 1:00 pm on Saturday, December 2nd at the site of the artist’s sculpture as part of Nanaimo Artwalk 2023. Compelling Agency will be on display through 2027. Information on the City of Nanaimo’s Temporary Art Program can be found on the Temporary Public Art page of the City’s website.
Link to Strategic Plan: Arts and Culture are recognized as a significant contributor to the city’s quality of life. Creating memorable spaces and experiences supports Council's vision for a healthy Nanaimo.
"Our public art is a wonderful reflection of place and community – free and accessible to all. We welcome this magnificent addition by a talented artist to our public art program."
"My approach to art is based on an experience we all can relate to, admiring the breadth of a tree and picking up a stick to inspect its beauty. Ever since I was a toddler the inspired nature of this action is something that has occupied my attention. As an artist and furniture maker I’ve spent years considering why it does. Compelling Agency frames and celebrates this experience in a form that, with pride, will be fostered during its time in Nanaimo."
Compelling Agency, David Martinello
Temporary Public Art Project, Compelling Agency, by artist, David Martinello
Participate in the process
and share your budget priorities
23-11-17 – Preparations are under way for Nanaimo's 2024-2028 Financial Plan. Residents will have a number of opportunities to review, ask questions and provide input leading up to a budget-focused eTown Hall on Monday, Dec. 4.
Council will begin reviewing draft budgets and project plans over the course of four Special Finance and Audit Committee meetings on Nov. 22, 29 and Dec. 1. If necessary, Nov. 22 discussions will continue on Nov. 23 at 1 p.m. All meetings are open to the public and will be held in the Vancouver Island Conference Centre's Shaw Auditorium.
The eTown Hall will start at 7 p.m. during the Council Meeting and will run for one hour. If necessary, an additional 30 minutes will be allocated. Residents can participate in the eTown Hall a number of ways, including:
In addition, a form has been added to a Budget Talks advertisements in the Nov. 15 and 29 editions of the Nanaimo News Bulletin, which residents can fill out and mail in to City Hall before Nov. 27 or drop off to City Hall before 4:30 pm on Dec. 1.
The draft financial plan and other related documents will be available to review at Anyone wishing to watch the meetings but cannot attend, can view them on the City website at or on Shaw Cable Channel 4 or BlueSky TV on 105.
Link to Strategic Plan: Being transparent in the budgeting process and providing opportunities for public input contribute to the strategic priority of Governance Excellence.
"The City's budget process is a key step in delivering services to the community. I encourage Nanaimo's citizens to review the draft budget, view the budget presentations and join us at the e-Town Hall on Dec. 4."
City of Nanaimo
2024 City of Nanaimo Street Banner design marks 150 Years since incorporation
Design by Amy Pye selected to bring artistic
vibrance along Nanaimo's streets next year
The 2024 Street Banner Design Program sought proposals from artists focused on the theme, ‘150 Years’, to mark 150 years since the City of Nanaimo’s incorporation in 1874. Nanaimo artist Amy Pye’s outstanding design was selected.
Potential artists were asked to consider what makes Nanaimo unique, what makes it a destination of choice, and what might capture and reflect positive memories of our community. Pye’s design reflects an appreciation for the complexity of our city. Inspired by the convergence of land and sea, and the unique blend of urban and rural life that makes our landscape truly exceptional, Pye’s design will grab attention and inspire thoughtful reflection throughout the year. ‘150’ becomes more than just a number, and instead takes on life and transformative shape as it tells its story.
Rural tradition meets urban innovation in a harmonious visual balance between nature and our modern city, as recognizable symbols of our diverse landscape transform the shape of the 1-5-0 and cascade down the banner. Fertile countryside meets bustling city streets; the flight of an eagle reveals the bounties of the sea; a soaring seaplane finds the solid structures of an urban center. These dynamic relationships are highlighted by the artist, coming to life as balanced opposites.
Amy Pye has been immersed in the Graphic Design industry for the past 20 years. During that time, she has also delved into various artistic pursuits including mural design, acrylic and watercolour painting, pottery and illustration. She is a published children’s book author and illustrator, the owner of Pye Design and Marketing, and the Head of Marketing for Real Estate Webmasters. She has contributed to civic urban design and artwork related to city infrastructure for the City of Nanaimo as an artist on the Urban Design Roster for the past two years. Find out more about Amy by visiting her website:
2024 street banners will be on display in spring 2024 and hung in Nanaimo’s downtown area, including in the Arts District downtown, along Bowen Road, and on Third Street and other major routes.
Link to Strategic Plan: The Street Banner Design Program aligns with the goals of the City of Nanaimo’s City Plan by facilitating opportunities for the public to encounter art and culture in public spaces throughout the city and as part of their daily experiences; by making art visible and accessible throughout the City, in Urban Centres, and Downtown; by promoting the role that culture and the creative sector play in the community with respect to community identity and quality of life.
"Each year we anticipate the unveiling of new street banners to brighten our city streets. The artwork chosen for the 2024 banners not only highlights the extraordinary talent and passion of a local artist, but reflects a deep love and appreciation for the city we call home."
"Nanaimo is my hometown and I recently returned after living in the US for a short period. The joy I felt upon learning that my banner was chosen surpassed the typical victory of a design competition. To me, it felt like a ‘welcome home’ gift—a waving banner guiding me back to my community. I am immensely proud to call Nanaimo home and to be chosen to depict this significant occasion."
Operations Centre gets green light
The City of Nanaimo ran an Alternative Approval Process (AAP) to obtain approval of the electors for the adoption of “Nanaimo Operation Centre Phase One Borrowing Bylaw 2023 No. 7362” following Council direction provided at their meeting held June 19, 2023. This bylaw will authorize the City to borrow up to $48,500,000 for phase one construction of the Nanaimo Operations Centre.
Notice of the AAP was published in the Sept. 27, 2023, edition of the Nanaimo News Bulletin and on the City of Nanaimo website. In addition to these two statutory notices, the City hosted an information session on Sept. 13, 2023.
Other methods of communicating the AAP that were used included issuing four news releases, posting to the City's social media channels (@cityofnanaimo on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram), producing two videos providing information on how to participate in the AAP and what the Nanaimo Operations Centre project was, posting information to the City website including the homepage and putting up posters in City facilities. The notice and supporting information also appeared on the City’s website and public notice board.
The deadline for the receipt of elector response forms for “Nanaimo Operations Centre Phase One Borrowing Bylaw 2023 No. 7362” was 4:30 p.m. on Friday, Nov. 3, 2023.
On the basis of the elector response forms received before the deadline, the Corporate Officer has determined and certified that the elector approval in accordance with Section 86 of the Community Charter has been obtained. The Corporate Officer’s determination is final and conclusive. [Community Charter, section 86(9)]
Number of Valid Elector Response Forms received prior to the deadline: 3,035
Ten per cent of electors within the City of Nanaimo: 7,799
Council may proceed with the adoption of “Nanaimo Operation Centre Phase One Borrowing Bylaw 2023 No. 7362".
For more information visit the Alternative Approval Process page on the City website.
City collecting feedback on accessibility and inclusion
Feedback form supports compliance with the Accessible BC Act
November – The City of Nanaimo is inviting residents to provide feedback on matters related to accessibility and inclusion. Recommendations on improvements that the City can make will be reviewed by staff and, when appropriate, brought to the Advisory Committee on Accessibility and Inclusiveness for consideration.
The online form can be found on the City website. Individuals who may need assistance accessing the form are welcome to submit their feedback over the phone by calling 250-755-4460 ext. 4547.
For more information on what the City is doing to identify, remove and prevent barriers to accessibility and inclusion please visit the Accessibility and Inclusion webpage on the City website.
Link to Strategic Plan: Implementing City Plan: Nanaimo ReImagined is a priority for Council. City Plan serves as the Nanaimo’s Accessibility and Inclusion Plan and providing residents with the opportunity to submit feedback supports the goal of an Empowered Nanaimo.
Key Points
"Having a way to share feedback and ideas with the City on ways to improve accessibility and inclusion is a great way to help identify barriers and support the City’s efforts to ensure that Nanaimo is accessible, inclusive and welcoming to all. I encourage individuals and groups to leverage this tool and help make their voices heard." Mayor Leonard Krog
Quick Facts
Curtis Grahauer’s Temporary Art Project, Millstone unveiled in Bowen Park
23-11-01 – Visitors to Bowen Park will be able to immerse themselves in a new temporary public art project revolving around the Millstone river. The City of Nanaimo Department of Parks, Recreation and Culture recently unveiled local artist, Curtis Grahauer’s Temporary Art Project, Millstone. An interactive media project, Millstone consists of six films accessed using personal devices and QR codes found on signs located throughout the park, strategically placed following the path of the river. Millstone can also be accessed online at, where visitors will find an interactive map illustrating sign locations.
The artist spent a year documenting the progressions and ongoing transformation of the Millstone River as it courses through Bowen Park. Filmed in a variety of dynamic locations, the project captures the life of the river as it ebbs and flows, in a constant state of transformation. Those long-term observations are compressed into shorter form in Millstone, highlighting subtle changes in the surrounding environment that might otherwise be overlooked, and asking observers to consider evidence of human intervention in the environment. “What qualifies as the unnatural in nature?” the artist asks. Meaningful understanding requires that visitors slow down and reflect in quiet contemplation.
Millstone is an intimate, immersive experience wherein one considers urban ‘wild’ spaces through a new lens. Often, when one pictures public art, an image of sculpture mounted in public space comes to mind. This project, which was artist-led and informed by changes in the local environment, broadens dialogue about art in Nanaimo, welcoming new audiences to film as an art form and offering a local park care and creative attention.
The City of Nanaimo’s Temporary Public Art Program has supported art in public spaces for over a decade. Artists can propose artworks that vary in scale, scope and medium, including temporary sculptural installations, social practice and community engaged artist projects and artwork that is integrated into landscape, architecture or civic infrastructure. Information on the City of Nanaimo’s Temporary Art Program can be found on the City’s website at
An artist talk with Curtis Grahauer discussing the Millstone project, will take place at 2 p.m. on Saturday, Dec. 2 at Black Rabbit Kitchen in the Attic, as part of Nanaimo Artwalk 2023.
Link to Strategic Plan: Culture is recognized as a significant contributor to the city’s quality of life; Make arts and culture visible and accessible throughout the city; Recognize that public art is situation at the intersection of public art and create memorable spaces and experiences, provide a sense of place, and reflect the environment and history of the community; Public art that is accessible and freely available to everyone throughout the community to experience and enjoy, and incorporated into trails and unexpected places.
Key Points
"What an extraordinarily special thing it is to experience art by a talented local artist while enjoying the beauty of one of our local parks. Next time you are in Bowen Park, I hope you’ll seek out this unique public art project and appreciate discovering art in unexpected places just as much as I do."
"I am interested in the perception of nature through the lens of human intervention. By making a film that compresses a year of Millstone River’s transformation, I hope to demonstrate what I refer to as the ‘super unnatural’, to reveal the sometimes subtle influence of humans within the naturalized landscape. As a document of the Millstone River, 'Millstone' explores the idea of nature being inextricable from human intervention."
One week left in the AAP for Ops Centre Phase One Process
October 27
The Alternative Approval Process (AAP) to gain resident’s permission to borrow an amount not to exceed $48,500,000 to finance the cost of construction of Phase 1 of the Nanaimo Operation Centre (NOC) runs until November 3. Eligible voters in Nanaimo will have one week left to vote against the borrowing bylaw and may do so by filling out a response form which is available at City Hall and can be printed off from the City website.
As in an election, each eligible voter is permitted one response. Completed forms must be dropped off or mailed to City Hall by 4:30 p.m. on Friday, Nov. 3, 2023; the City cannot accept copies of forms or ones that are emailed or faxed.
For more information on the Nanaimo Operations Centre Alternative Approval Process visit the City website at, and for more information on the project visit
Key Points
"The Province provides guidelines for best practices on when to hold an AAP versus a referendum. When deciding whether to proceed with an AAP or referendum, Council considers these best practices, the need for continued services and the costs of running an AAP versus a referendum."
Director, Legislative Services
Phase One Nanaimo Operations Centre AAP Video
Alternative Approval Process Information
City invites nominations
for the 2024 Culture Awards
The City of Nanaimo is seeking nominations from the community for the 2024 Culture Awards. The awards recognize outstanding organizations, groups and individuals in arts and culture.
This is the community's opportunity to recognize people and groups they believe have contributed significantly to making Nanaimo a culturally vibrant city. There are three categories for nominations; recipients will be recognized at a special celebration at the Port Theatre on Apr. 3, 2024:
Nominations and support material can be submitted directly online via the City of Nanaimo website. For full details, to learn about past award recipients, see video profiles, and access the online application visit the Culture Awards page on The deadline to submit applications is midnight Sunday, Jan. 28, 2024.
Link to Strategic Plan: The annual Culture Awards program upholds Council's directive for livability by supporting arts, culture and recreation as an integral part of everyday life. The Awards also recognize and promote the role culture and the creative sector play in the community.
Key Points
"Our city has a vibrant and thriving arts and culture community and the City of Nanaimo's Culture Awards are an opportunity to recognize the exceptional talent and achievement we are so lucky to call our own," says Mayor Leonard Krog. I look forward to celebrating these individuals in April, and I encourage community members to submit their nominations for these prestigious awards."
"Recipients of the Excellence in Culture, Honour in Culture and Emerging Cultural Leader Awards are chosen based on nominations put forward by the community. If someone in the arts and culture sector has made a difference to you through their work, definitely consider nominating them for a 2024 Culture Award," says Adrienne Mercer Breen,
Manager, Culture & Special Events
City of Nanaimo
The Province has given statutory approval to the City of Nanaimo for a borrowing bylaw for up to $48.5 million for the first phase of the Nanaimo Operations Centre project.
With this approval, the City will commence an Alternative Approval Process (AAP) to gain permission from residents to borrow the necessary funds. The process begins Wednesday, Sept. 27, and ends Friday, Nov. 3.
Nanaimo Operations Centre Phase One Borrowing Bylaw 2023 No. 7362, which received three readings from Council on June 19, will see the City borrow a sum not exceeding $48,500,000 repayable over a period of no more than 20 years.
For more information on the Alternative Approval Process visit the City website at and for more information on the project visit
Key Points
"The Alternative Approval Process provides eligible electors with the opportunity to voice their opposition to the borrowing bylaw. All eligible electors can freely distribute and submit Elector Response forms and have them returned to City Hall by Nov. 3. Individuals are not required to vote in person or return the form themselves."
Director, Legislative Services
City of Nanaimo
Alternative Approval Process Information Links
Dale Lindsay
23-09-13 – After an extensive recruitment process, Mayor and Council are pleased to announce the appointment of Dale Lindsay as the new Chief Administrative Officer for the City of Nanaimo.
Mr. Lindsay was appointed at a Special Council meeting held on September 7, 2023 and will begin his new role as Chief Administrative Officer on October 2, 2023.
Mr. Lindsay brings with him 29 years of progressive management and leadership experience working in local government, including 27 years at the City of Nanaimo. As a graduate from the School of Urban and Regional Planning at the University of Waterloo with a bachelor’s degree in environmental studies, Mr. Lindsay maintains his professional credentials as a Registered Professional Planner and is a member of both the Canadian Association of Municipal Administrators (CAMA) and the Local Government Management Administration (LGMA).
In recent years, Mr. Lindsay has served as the City’s Director of Community Development (2013-2019), General Manager of Development Services (2019-present) and Deputy Chief Administrative Officer (2022-present).
Link to Strategic Plan: Supporting Governance and Corporate Excellence through an extensive and successful recruitment process.
"Mr. Lindsay has demonstrated strong leadership not only at the City of Nanaimo, but within the community, and Council is thrilled that he has accepted the position of Chief Administrative Officer. The respect he warrants and leadership he provides has been earned through his dedication to building and maintaining relationships internally and externally, always striving for governance excellence, providing mentorship to his colleagues and serving the community, Mayor, Council and staff with the utmost of integrity."
Leonard Krog, Mayor
"I am very honoured to take on this new role and for the opportunity to work closely with Mayor and Council to advance their priorities and initiatives for our Community. As CAO I look forward to supporting our dedicated staff and to build on existing relationships with our many community partners who are key to the success of Nanaimo."
Current Deputy CAO/General Manager, Development Services
City of Nanaimo
City planning open house to show public
the plans for new Operations Centre
The City of Nanaimo is hosting an open house to provide information on Phase 1 of the Nanaimo Operation Centre project. Members of the public are invited to the Beban Park Social Centre, 2300 Bowen Road from 4:30 to 7 p.m. on Wednesday, Sept 13.
The Nanaimo Operations Centre project will see the eventual replacement of ageing facilities and consolidation of public works and parks operations into one location. The first phase of the project includes: replacing the existing fleet and maintenance facility, a truck wash and dump facility, and site service for future phases of the project; replacing storm water management facilities onsite and building a storm water retention pond in Beban Park at the corner of Dorman and Labieux Road; retrofitting the training tower located at Fire Station 2; building a paved trail along the Labieux Road side of Beban Park.
Key Points
"The City relies on parks operations and public works to maintain the services we rely on everyday, and to be there for us in a crisis. We need to rebuild and expand our facilities to ensure the City can continue to meet our needs."
Mayor Leonard Krog
Nanaimo Operations Centre, Phase One
City seeks input on increasing housing options with public survey online and open house Sept. 12
With rising housing costs and an influx of newcomers, more housing options are needed for Nanaimo. To address Nanaimo's housing needs, the City is inviting residents to provide feedback on a series of recommended changes aimed at more attainable housing options in the City.
There are two opportunities to provide input:
The Increasing Housing Options program focuses on four key areas – expanding secondary suite regulations, adding infill housing in existing neighbourhoods (missing middle housing), adaptable housing for all physical abilities, and housing for families. Between 2020 and 2022, the City engaged with residents through the ‘Reimagine Nanaimo’ process that culminated in the adoption of “City Plan: Nanaimo Reimagined” in July 2022. The program is informed by what was heard during the Reimagine Nanaimo process, the Nanaimo Affordable Housing Strategy (2018), and the City’s Housing Needs Report completed in May 2023.
For more information on the Housing Needs Report and Increasing Housing Options program and to take the online survey, visit
Link to Strategic Plan: Planning for Nanaimo's growth supports a healthy and prosperous Nanaimo.
Key Points
"Housing affordability and availability is a key concern for our community. Please take the time to participate. Whether it be at an open house or filling out the survey, your input is important to helping us address our housing needs."
Quick Facts
Learn more about the priorities and take the survey
Oliver Woods Community Centre open house,
public invited to attend on Sunday, Sept 10
August 28, 2023
The City of Nanaimo, Department of Parks, Recreation and Culture is inviting the public to an Open House at Oliver Woods Community Centre on Sunday, September 10 from 10 am until 2 pm. Oliver Woods Recreation Centre is located at 6000 Oliver Road in north Nanaimo.
Visitors can participate in a variety of activities:
This open house will have something for everyone from the toddler to the senior. A food truck will also be on site, and local radio (102.3 The Wave) will be broadcasting live on location. Look for a schedule of events on the City of Nanaimo website starting on Friday, September 1.
Link to Strategic Plan: The City of Nanaimo is offering programs that improve the health, wellness and livability of its citizens in our community.
Key Points
"There is a lot that goes on with Parks, Recreation and Culture, and we invite you to come to the open house at Oliver Woods Community Centre to check it out. See program demos, meet staff and participate in a variety of activities that are planned for the day. There will be something for everyone!"
City of Nanaimo
Ministry of Environment removes
barrier to downtown development
A partnership between the City, downtown property owners and Planning Design and Development Nanaimo has led to a change in regulations that make it easier to develop properties downtown, opening the door for a thriving and prosperous city centre.
The Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy (MOECCS) has determined that properties in the Terminal Avenue area from Comox Road to Esplanade are not included in regulations that assess groundwater quality during site investigations, simplifying the regulatory framework for individual property owners.
The change reduces a big obstacle to developing any of the more than 145 properties in the downtown core, cutting costs and reducing timelines for development.
The Terminal Avenue area from Comox Road to Esplanade is a former tidal inlet. More than 100 years ago, it was filled with tailings from the city's coal mines. Today these lands contain numerous active light industrial and office buildings.
Beginning in 2011, the PDDN and the former Downtown Nanaimo Business Improvement Area began raising money for an environmental study to show why the area should receive special consideration from the ministry of environment. The City of Nanaimo joined the effort and collaborated on a study and application to MOECCS in 2016.
The study was funded by private property owners working with PDDN, a BC Brownfield grant, and a contribution from the City of Nanaimo.
Previous environmental studies in the area have confirmed the widespread infilling and reclamation work. Together with the City and PDDN study, the environmental work resulted in MOECCS issuing an Area Wide Determination in 2014 that reduced the requirement for potential developments to show the effects of the presence of historical fill materials.
The new MOECCS determination builds upon this, acknowledging the long industrial history and unique subsurface and hydrological conditions in the study area. This determination means that drinking water standards do not apply for assessing groundwater quality during the site investigation steps that are required when a property is redeveloped.
Link to Strategic Plan: Prosperous Nanaimo: Revitalize the Downtown core and the waterfront (C5.1.4) and Enhance and promote a vibrant and diverse downtown (C5.5.1)
Key Points
"The industrial practices of the 19th century laid the very ground we walk on downtown, but in the 21st century the mine tailings that underlie the Terminal Avenue area have made it very difficult to revitalize the heart of our city. The Ministry of Environment decision to exempt more than 145 properties from drinking water regulations opens the door to building the thriving and prosperous city centre so many of us, including Council, have worked hard to achieve."
City of Nanaimo
"This project is a great example of how courageous and collaborative effort between the City, volunteers and stakeholders can accomplish meaningful change that would be almost impossible to achieve by any single party. Nanaimo is at a wonderful time in its growth…let’s actively work together to steer our city in a direction we want to live in."
Planning, Design and Develoment Nanaimo
Having laid the responsibility for the current public safety crisis facing many BC and Canadian communities at the feet of senior government, the Mayor of Nanaimo is feeling optimistic that positive change is beginning to happen.
Proposed changes to Bill C - 48 introduced in the House of Commons May 16, are a step in the right direction, Mayor Leonard Krog said, and a clear sign that the federal Minister of Justice has listened to Canada's premiers.
"I am very pleased that the federal government has tabled legislation to put the responsibility on violent repeat offenders to prove why they should get bail instead of making prosecutors argue why they shouldn't," said Mayor Leonard Krog.
Mayors from across Canada, including the BC Urban Mayors Caucus, put their concerns about deteriorating public safety to provincial premiers, who in turn pressured David Lamettie, justice minister and attorney general, to change the current rules around bail.
"The Premier has listened to the BC mayors, and the justice minister has heard the premiers. Recent comments by Premier Eby respecting the authority of municipalities to address drug use in public spaces give us hope that we may be able to better protect our community from the effects of harmful drugs and disruptive behaviours," Krog said.
Nanaimo Council voted Monday to direct city staff to prepare a report on options to regulate drug use in public spaces.
"Ottawa's willingness to adjust bail provisions gives me hope. The Province's willingness to sit down with Nanaimo Council shows that they understand that we are overwhelmed and need help," Krog said.
The City of Nanaimo Council recently met with Premier David Eby, Attorney-General Niki Sharma and Public Safety Minister and Solicitor General Mike Farnworth about homelessness, health care and public safety. The City continues to press the provincial government for additional housing, mental health services, and policing resources.
Nanaimo City Council adopted the final 2023-2027 Financial Plan and 2023 Property Tax Rates bylaws on May 8. An increase of 6.2 per cent to cover operating costs and one per cent for the General Asset Management Reserve has been set for 2023.
"This budget balances the need to make significant investments to improve public safety while we continue to provide the services we all rely on. With a strong economy and a growing population we can and must replace critical infrastructure and build for the future," says Mayor Leonard Krog
The 2023-2027 Financial Plan provides a coordinated, proactive approach to public safety and helps set the stage for a revitalization of Nanaimo’s core business and entertainment district. Some highlights include:
Property taxes are due July 4, 2023. Residents can make payments in a number of ways:
Tax notices have been prepared and will be mailed to property owners in the coming days. Along with their notice, residents will find the City's annual printed newsletter, City Updates. The newsletter will be also be available to pick up at City facilities and online at
For more information on the 2023-2027 Financial Plan, visit
Key Points
Quick Facts
Explosions started at 5:55 pm on May 3, 1887, 260 meters below sea level in what was known as the city's largest mine, No. 1 Esplanade Mine.
The blast was so forceful it rocketed through the underground shafts for almost a kilometre and the underground fire burned for two weeks. Because of such damage, the last of the bodies could not be recovered until July and unfortunately seven men never were recovered and remain somewhere beneath the Nanaimo Harbour to this day.
This tragic accident took the lives of 150 miners, a massive loss to a community of approximately 2,000 people at the time. Forty six women lost their husbands, 126 children lost their fathers and the mine lost 25 per cent of its employees.
The explosions of the No. 1 Esplanade Mine are known as the worst mining disaster in British Columbia's history and second worst industrial accident in Canada (the mining disaster of 1914 in Hillcrest, Alberta killed 189 miners). A jury blamed the explosion on the firing of an unprepared and badly planted charge that ignited accumulated gas fuelled by coal dust.
To mark the anniversary and honour the memory of the lives lost, flags at City of Nanaimo facilities will be lowered to half-mast on Wednesday, May 3.
Visit the walk-through coalmine exhibit in the Nanaimo Museum to learn more about Nanaimo's coal mining history and this tragic accident. Find more information on this award-winning exhibit here:
230419 – The City of Nanaimo is pleased to present the 2023 Youth Week celebrations. Activities are planned from May 1 to May 7, all with the intent of celebrating youth in Nanaimo.
Highlights include youth drop-in sessions (Spare Blox and Youth Lounge), a variety of workshops, including Food Securities, Youth Empowerment, Financial Literacy and Mental Health, as well as a Buttertubs Tour and a Learn to Fish session. Most activities offered during Youth Week are free, and details can be found on the YOUth Nanaimo Facebook page and on the City of Nanaimo website,
Link to Strategic Plan: Youth Week aims to connect and engage with youth in our community.
Key Points
"The cliché is true. The youth are our future! Youth Week is a great chance to celebrate the young citizens in our community and to remember all the energy, enthusiasm, as well as the contributions they make to enhance our City. I invite all youth to participate in activities that happen from May 1 to 7."
City of Nanaimo
230417 – The Nanaimo Prosperity Corporation, in charge of economic development, named George Hanson as the Strategic Advisor for the organization.
Hanson will oversee the development of the corporation and work with the Board to develop its strategic plan and help set the organization up for success. The term of the appointment is for one year during which recruitment will take place for the permanent Executive Director.
The goal is to immediately begin implementing the City's Economic Development Strategy and help achieve the objectives of creating a prosperous Nanaimo.
Link to Strategic Plan: Economic Health - Creating and implementing an appropriate economic development model for Nanaimo.
George Hanson
Key Points
"Nanaimo is one of Canada's most desirable communities and continues to attract new residents and investors from across Canada and around the world," said Mayor Leonard Krog. ?The NPC will play a key role in making sure we support our existing business community to be even more successful in their endeavours while attracting new investment from farther afield. Creating a Nanaimo that delivers prosperity for our entire community is one of our Council's key goals."
"The Board of the NPC is excited to be working with George Hanson as our Strategic Advisor. George is well known and regarded for his expertise in economic development and is the perfect person to help us get the organization out of the gate on the path to success," added chairman Richard Horbachewski
Hanson said he is happy to be helping the Corporation build a thriving and resilient local economy on a foundation of collaboration and innovation, supportive of existing enterprises and attractive to investors. "Effectively addressing increased economic complexity requires inventive, progressive solutions. The challenges are great, yet so too are the opportunities. Nanaimo's economy is brimming with potential. A focused, results-orientated approach will be used to deliver the corporation's single goal - 'A Prosperous Nanaimo' - while complementing and supporting the other four goals in City Plan for a 'Green, Connected, Healthy and Empowered Nanaimo'."
City introduces new temporary public art
Nanaimo City Council approved two new pieces of public art in December as part of the 2023 Temporary Public Art Program.
David Martinello is a Vancouver Island based artist and his proposal, "Compelling Agency", draws attention to the connective value that humans have to wood as a resource. The artist’s intention with his artwork is to have the viewer thoughtfully evaluate their relationship to wood and, in turn, their relationship to their environment while they observe the natural weathering and evolution of this intriguing structural piece during its years on display.
Artist and educator, Amber Morrison, and 3D artist, Matthew Fox, based out of Nanaimo, will captivate passersby with the interactive artwork, "Moon Snail House". The design of the structure will invite admirers to explore this visually appealing, large-scale interactive sculpture. Educational signage will provide information about the Lewis’ moon snail (neverita lewisii) and the intertidal zones of the Salish Sea.
Once created and installed (locations to be determined), it is expected that these two new artworks will be on display for public enjoyment for up to five years.
Since 2010, the City of Nanaimo has been involved in a dynamic and evolving temporary public art program that enhances and animates our parks and public spaces. City parks and spaces are transformed into outdoor art galleries and showcase artworks for a limited period of time.
Link to Strategic Plan: Public art is a cultural contribution that fuels imagination, sparks curiosity and critical thinking and offers a unique reflection of place and people, contributing to character and a shared sense of identity.
Key Points
"During the REIMAGINE Nanaimo process residents voiced their support for these types of programs, commenting that public spaces are enriched by art, and I couldn't agree more. This program enhances our community and it is accessible and freely available to everyone to experience and enjoy."
Mayor, City of Nanaimo
Quick Facts
230405 – Nanaimo's economy delivered more jobs, more new business licenses, more building permits and more housing starts last year than in 2021, according to the City's latest numbers.
"The vibrancy we feel in the City is proven by these economic numbers,” says Mayor Leonard Krog. “We had a very good year in 2022, and this year is showing great promise with the opening of the Courtyard by Marriott Hotel downtown and the expectation of a new foot passenger ferry opening this summer. We are well set to welcome more visitors and the many people who are choosing to make Nanaimo their home."
The annual State of the Nanaimo Economy report, delivered to City Council April 3, also showed housing starts were up nine per cent. The latest Census shows the total number of new jobs in the city grew by 10.8 per cent with the highest growth in health care and social assistance, followed by construction and educational sectors. In the goods-producing sector, the highest growth was in construction. New job postings rose 38.7 per cent in 2022 compared to 2021.
In the same period, BC job postings increased by 20.4 per cent. Statistics also show a strong rebound in the tourism sector in 2022 with visitor numbers inching closer to pre-pandemic levels. The average age of Nanaimo's population was younger in 2021 than in 2016, according to the 2021 Census.
The 25-to-44-year-old demographic is expected to outpace other age groups over the coming decade. The Census data also shows that an average of 3,400 new residents moved to the Regional District of Nanaimo in each of the past five years, primarily from other parts of BC and Canada.
For more information on the report and economic development in Nanaimo, visit the Economic Development section on
Link to Strategic Plan: A Prosperous Nanaimo is Goal Five of City Plan: Nanaimo ReImagined. A strong economy provides jobs for residents and a tax base that supports excellent services and amenities that contribute to our community's livability.
Key Points
Mayor Leonard Krog
The Parks, Recreation and Culture department is holding a Job Fair on Thursday, April 13, 2-7 p.m. at Nanaimo Aquatic Centre at 741 Third Street.
Recreation professionals will be on site to answer questions and accept applications on site for the following areas:
Business Services
Community Recreation
Cultural Opportunities
Custodial Services
Parks and Trails
Interested applicants are invited to ask questions of staff and to bring their resume so that they can apply right at the Job Fair.
Link to Strategic Plan: Providing quality of life for the community through Parks, Recreation and Culture services.
Key Points
The Parks, Recreation and Culture Job Fair will be held on Thursday, April 13, 2-7 pm at Nanaimo Aquatic Centre.
The Job Fair will have information on careers in aquatics, arenas, business services, community recreation, cultural opportunities, custodial services and parks.
Mayor Leonard Krog says Parks, Recreation and Culture services contribute greatly to our community and quality of life.
Project funded in part from Canada Community-Building Fund, BC Active Transportation Infrastructure Grants Program
230327 - With help from federal and provincial governments, the City of Nanaimo is starting work to upgrade Albert/Fourth Street. The City will replace aging water mains, provide a new fish-friendly culvert for Cat Stream, improve sanitary sewer mains, and undertake safety and roadway improvements on Albert Street between Pine and Milton Streets.
"This project will improve City infrastructure - critical water and storm drainage pipes - and help us reach our goals for a resilient and sustainable future. Albert between Pine and Milton will see improved passage for all road users along a somewhat difficult section of roadway. Funding from the two senior levels of government through the Canada Community-Building Fund and the Active Transportation Grant will offset some of the costs for surface improvements, enabling completion of a key transportation route," said Mayor Leonard Krog.
Water main improvements include replacing an aging steel watermain and adding a new watermain on Pine Street to improve water quality and available flow for firefighting and reduce the risk of future failures. The Cat Stream culvert under Albert Street will be increased in size to handle larger storms due to climate change and to improve fish passage.
Infrastructure upgrades provide an opportunity to improve safety and comfort of all roadway users including those who walk, bike, take transit, and drive along this corridor.
With contributions of $846,000 from the Government of Canada’s Canada Community-Building Fund and $500,000 from the B.C. Active Transportation Infrastructure Grants Program, Nanaimo will include cycling facilities, concrete sidewalks, street lighting, improved transit stops, and a retaining wall to provide additional road width along the S-curve on Albert Street between Pine and Kennedy Streets.
The total project construction costs are expected to be $4.4 million. These costs include $2.2 million for underground utilities, $1.3 million for roadworks, street lighting and retaining wall, and $0.9 million for sidewalks and cycling lanes.
Albert Street between Pine Street and Kennedy Street will be closed to traffic during much of the construction. Access will be available for pedestrians, bicycles, buses, garbage and recycling vehicles, and emergency vehicles only.
Construction work is expected to be completed in fall 2023. For the latest project information, please visit the project webpage at:
Key Points
“The Canada Community-Building Fund delivers flexible funding to municipalities so that they can prioritize projects centered around what their communities need the most. The Government of Canada will continue supporting these targeted investments in local infrastructure that help build greener and more resilient communities.”
The Honourable Harjit S. Sajjan,
Minister of International Development and
Minister responsible for the Pacific Economic
Development Agency of Canada, on behalf of
the Honourable Dominic LeBlanc,
Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs,
Infrastructure and Communities
“Building more benefits into infrastructure projects for the people who will use and rely on them makes communities more affordable and more livable for everyone. Combining active transportation projects with important public works addresses multiple needs at once and is a great way for local governments to maximize the value of their investment.”
Doug Routley, MLA for Nanaimo-North Cowichan
Deadline to apply is April 21
230322 – The City of Nanaimo is now accepting applications for eleven volunteer at-large members for the Advisory Committee on Accessibility and Inclusiveness (ACAI).
The purpose of the ACAI is to promote social and political equity within existing and proposed City plans, policies, bylaws and infrastructure and make recommendations to ensure that the City is inclusive and accommodating to citizens of all ages, abilities and walks of life. The term for this committee will end October 2026.
Those interested in joining the committee are encouraged to visit the City website to review the terms of reference before submitting an application. Residents of Nanaimo who have experience related to matters of accessibility and inclusiveness and wish to make a difference in their community are encouraged to apply.
Application forms can be submitted online, downloaded from, or picked up from Legislative Services in City Hall (455 Wallace Street). Applications will be accepted until 4:00 p.m. on Friday, April 21.
Link to Strategic Plan: The Advisory Committee on Accessibility and Inclusiveness supports City Plan's Empowered Nanaimo goals.
Key Points
"We are very excited to see this committee starting up again, and look forward to seeing a diverse group of citizens volunteer to put their names forward. If you care about your community, and have a passion for helping to ensure our City is accessible and inclusive to all, we invite you to apply."
City of Nanaimo
Quick Facts
Nanaimo Parkway/Highway 19 to close March 26 to 30
Traffic must detour nightly from 7 pm to 7 am
The City of Nanaimo’s Midtown Water Supply Project is well under way. From March 26 to March 30, the Nanaimo Parkway (Hwy 19) will be closed between the Jingle Pot/Third Street intersection and the College Drive/Fifth Street intersection to install a water pipeline crossing. Over the four-day period, the closures will be in effect from 7 pm to 7 am.
Northbound traffic will be detoured via the truck route down Fifth Street to Wakesiah Avenue and up Third Street/Jingle Pot Road. Southbound traffic will be diverted down Jingle Pot Road/Third Street to Wakesiah Avenue and back up Fifth Street. Drivers are reminded to drive carefully and pay close attention to signage.
Commuters and commercial traffic are encouraged use the Old Island Highway (Hwy 19A) as an alternate route.
In addition, Nanaimo residents who have registered for alerts through the City's Voyent Alert! system, will receive an informational alert as a reminder of the overnight closure. To receive alerts, please visit for instructions on how to sign up.
For more information, visit the Midtown Water Supply Project page at
Link to Strategic Plan: The Midtown Water Supply Project supports a resilient community by ensuring a safe water supply to a growing Nanaimo.
"Thank you to all drivers for their understanding and cooperation during this detour. It will enable an important highway crossing to be installed quickly and safely. This water supply backbone is one of the City's most significant infrastructure projects to date, improving resilience, reliable access to safe clean potable water and fire protection in our community."
Bill Sims
General Manager, Engineering & Public Works
City of Nanaimo
The City has celebrated local excellence in arts and culturethrough its annual Culture Awards event since 1998. The awards honourextraordinary achievement and raise awareness and pride for the calibre of artsand culture activity in Nanaimo, as well as the dynamic impact of the sector onour community’s economic, social and cultural well-being.
Mayor LeonardKrog congratulated the 2023 Culture Award winners – Joel Good and MargotHolmes. “Their talent, imagination, long hours of dedicated effort andleadership contribute to the beauty and richness of our arts and culturecommunity and benefit all of us," said the Mayor.
The public is invited to a celebration of award recipientsat a free community event at the Port Theatre on April 25.
The 2023 Culture Heritage Award recipients are:
Excellence in Culture, Joel Good
Joel Good won the Excellence in Culture Award for hisachievements in visual art. He is a traditional Coast Salish artist fromSnuneymuxw First Nation, well-known for several inspiring local public artinstallations. Good's designs are informed by Snuneymuxw oral history, taughtto him by his father, as well as research into traditional Coast Salish artforms. He adeptly fuses Snuneymuxw teachings and classical painting inspired bythe work of his mother, artist and painter Sandra Moorhouse-Good, to form hisown traditional style.
Good and his father, master carver and historian Dr.William Good collaborated on two Coast Salish house post totem poles inst’lilup (Departure Bay). Together, they also created a pole in honour ofMissing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls, for Tillicum Lelum AboriginalFriendship Centre in Nanaimo.
Using Snuneymuxw techniques, Good also creates steam-bentboxes. A video showing this process is available on the Nanaimo LadysmithPublic Schools YouTube channel.
A selection of Good’s other prominent commissions includethe Spindle Whorl and Dancing Eagle panel for the City of Nanaimo, along withart for the Nanaimo Art Gallery, Nanaimo Aboriginal Centre, Snuneymuxw FirstNation, Leadership Vancouver Island, BC Hydro and the Canadian Museum for HumanRights.
Good’s art has received both national and internationalattention featured on garments created by Ay Lelum - The Good House of Design,run by his sisters Aunalee Boyd-Good and Sophia Seward Good. Joel’s designs on AyLelum couture and ready-to-wear garments have been on the runways of VancouverFashion Week and New York Fashion Week, and have graced the pages of numerouspublications like Vogue and Harper’s Bazaar.
Honour in Culture, Margot Holmes
Margot Holmes won an Honour in Culture Award for herlong-time career as the Chief Executive Officer of the Vancouver IslandSymphony, promoting Canadian culture and championing the performing artscommunity for over three decades. Holmes continues to develop community partnershipsand find new ways of connecting the arts to audiences and sponsors.
Caline Artists International, owned by Holmes for the past32 years, has played an integral role in developing the careers of hundreds ofCanadian musicians. As an agent and manager for professional musicians, she’stoured artists, including the British Columbia Boys Choir, around the globe ascultural ambassadors for Nanaimo and Canada while assisting them to buildsuccessful long-term careers.
She has worked with a variety of non-profit artsorganizations presenting hundreds of arts events both large and small. In 2015,she spearheaded the creation of Festival Nanaimo, coordinating an annualmonth-long festival each March. During the pandemic she kept Nanaimo culturealive by instigating Vancouver Island Symphony summer pop-up concerts, theNanaimo Big Band Festival, the Chapters series of four multi-genre events atthe Port Theatre and the Music from Edges of Canada series - 11 double billconcerts live streamed from theatres coast to coast.
Holmes is a dynamic supporter of veteran and emergingartists in our city and constantly creates opportunities for them to connect,grow and thrive. She has a long list of awards including the 2007 Arts andCulture Advocate of the year, the 2008 Agent of the Year, the 2014 CulturalChampion Award for Arts Leadership awarded by Business for Arts Canada, the2014 City of Nanaimo Award of Distinction for her contribution to the Arts, andthe 2015 Agent of the Year awarded by Canadian Arts Presenters.
Nanaimo is facing a public safety crisis resulting from the failed policies of senior government that is beyond the City's capacity to control or repair, says Mayor Leonard Krog.
On Sunday, March 12, an altercation in an encampment of homeless people resulted in serious injuries to two people attempting to retrieve goods allegedly stolen from them.
Mayor Leonard Krog
"On behalf of City Council and the community, I call upon the federal and provincial governments to recognize their responsibility to our residents and to step up and take meaningful action now. Our City is not able to fix the underlying issues that have led to the problems we are facing and the kind of situation that unfolded here on Sunday.
"When government is no longer able to protect people and their property, we are in a dangerous place.
"Despite our efforts to increase public safety and clean up the downtown - at significant cost to taxpayers - we continue to struggle with the effects of senior government policies that have failed to curb violence from known offenders or help the most vulnerable among us. As a result, some people feel they have no option but to take matters into their own hands," Krog said.
Since 2018, Nanaimo has taken a multi-pronged approach to public safety, homelessness and the housing crisis. Among those actions, the City created and is implementing a Health and Housing Action Plan, including the newly-launched Systems Planning Organization.
The City is leading a Situation Table where vulnerable people can be identified and helped, and approved the Downtown Safety Action Plan. The safety plan includes 12 Community Safety Officers to proactively identify and prevent conflict, and enhanced cleaning of parkades and other downtown areas. With CSOs in place, Bylaw officers and police can focus on enforcement throughout the City.
This year, taxpayers will see the full cost of CSOs and the two full-time, seven-day-a week Clean Teams in the City budget.
City Council also approved hiring an additional 20 firefighters this year and 20 in 2025, plus six civilian RCMP members this year and nine civilian and sworn members in the coming five years. The new police staff will relieve officers of administrative work and allow police more time to focus on protecting the public.
Nanaimo was part of the 13-member Union of BC Municipalities Urban Mayors' Caucus. At the urging of those 13 mayors, the Province is adding new funding for police under the Safer Communities Plan, and has committed to strengthening enforcement and enhancing service delivery.
At $410 million, the construction value of building permits in the City of Nanaimo last year was second only to 2019, with residential units leading the way. Building permits were issued for a total of 1,370 residential units with 1,065 of those in multi-unit developments.
"Our population is growing and our housing options are growing with it,” says Mayor Leonard Krog. “With more and more housing concentrated in areas where people can easily access shopping, services and employment, we are becoming a more vibrant urban centre. By growing up, rather than out, Nanaimo is protecting green spaces and natural areas and providing housing options that more people can afford."
Private developers are responding to public demand for more housing in urban centres, including downtown, with projects throughout the city. Some highlights include an 87-unit multi-family building at 550 Brechin Road, a mixed-use development with 98 residential units at 4831 Cedar Ridge Place and a 160-unit seniors care residence at 4979 Wills Road. In addition, the popularity of secondary suites and carriage houses in single-family homes continued with 152 building permits granted.
The City's long-term vision of more complete neighbourhoods with convenient access to services that can be linked by transportation corridors, including bus service, was confirmed through the REIMAGINE Nanaimo public consultation process. For more information on development growth in Nanaimo, visit
Link to Strategic Plan: Multi-family housing in urban centres, including downtown, supports the goals of City Plan:Nanaimo ReImagined.
Key Points
The City of Nanaimo's Midtown Gateway Project and the Midtown Water Supply Project will be teaming up to install critical underground infrastructure across Bowen Road and into Beban Park in March. This approach is efficient but will restrict access and delay traffic.
From March 1 to 31, the southern Bowen Road access to Beban Park will be closed all day and night to all vehicle traffic, cyclists and pedestrians. All other park access points are open and accessible.
Pedestrians using the Bowen Road sidewalk along Beban Park must follow sidewalk detour signage and use the sidewalk on the opposite side of Bowen Road. All main parking lots, facilities and park amenities within Beban Park are open during construction. For the public's safety, some areas of the park are fenced-off and restricted for all non-construction personnel. Please exercise caution, obey all signage and follow the directions of any flag persons on duty.
From March 11 to 26, there will be alternating lane closures on Bowen Road 24 hours per day. One vehicle lane per direction will be available, however, drivers are encouraged to use an alternate route if possible to avoid delays. Rosstown Road at the intersection of Bowen Road will be closed to vehicle access 24 hours per day.
Drivers are asked to detour around using Pheasant Terrace and Labieux Road. There will also be no transit service along Rosstown Road or Pheasant Terrace during this time. Transit users are asked to use existing bus stops on Labieux Road and to check out the latest information at
Construction work will typically take place Mondays through Fridays, from 7 am to 7 pm; however, it will expand to 24 hours per day from March 11 to March 26 in order to complete the works across Bowen Road as quickly as possible and to minimize disruption.
All businesses will remain open and accessible during construction.
Please note there will be other significant traffic disruptions required for these projects in the coming months. More details will be provided soon.
The City thanks residents for their on-going patience during these important construction projects. Please follow the City's Facebook or Twitter accounts (@cityofnanaimo) and visit the project webpage at for the most current information.
Link to Strategic Plan: These projects support a livable Nanaimo.
Key Points
"It is incredibly important for our infrastructure to keep up with our growth, and the coordination of these two major midtown projects to bring as little disruption on Bowen Rd as possible is more than just good timing, it's great planning."
Mayor Leonard Krog
With temperatures dropping due to arctic outflow beginning Wednesday, Feb. 22, the City of Nanaimo is assisting people in need of warming services. The City will again provide funds for existing organizations to extend their hours of service.
"Without housing, staying warm on a cold and often wet night in Nanaimo is a terrible challenge," says Mayor Leonard Krog. "By providing extra services, the City of Nanaimo and service providers are helping to ensure the unhoused are cared for during the extreme cold."
Service hours within the community are as follows:
7-10 Club Society (at St. Paul’s Anglican Church on Chapel Street) will be open an additional three hours per day, from 7 am to 7 pm on Thursday, Feb. 23 through Friday, Feb. 24, and can assist 30 to 40 people at one time. Typical 7-10 Club Society hours are Monday to Friday, 10 am to 7 pm.
Unitarian Shelter offers 27 overnight shelter beds and during extreme cold, offers daytime warming centre services to their shelter guests only.
Risebridge, in response to the cold, will provide overnight services by adding additional warming relief hours between 7:30 pm and 7:30 am on Wednesday, Feb. 22 through Friday, Feb. 24. Regular warming hours are 8:30 am to 12:30 pm and 3:30 pm to 7:30 pm every day.
The City of Nanaimo provides funding to 7-10 Club and Risebridge for daytime warming centres for people experiencing homelessness, and to the Nanaimo Unitarian Shelter to assist overnight guests with daytime services as needed. Funding comes from a Union of BC Municipalities ‘Strengthening Communities’ Services program grant to the City to support daytime cold and hot extreme weather service, and the City applies for funding for additional hours of service for extreme weather events through the Ministry of Emergency Management and Climate Readiness.
The following services are also available:
Salvation Army has 35 overnight shelter beds and daytime access only for existing shelter guests. Samaritan Place has added five additional beds during extreme cold in addition to its existing 14 beds. St Peter’s Winter Shelter now has 35 beds open 8 pm to 7:30 am.
Visit for a full list of drop-in and indoor meal services.
Link to Strategic Plan: Providing warming opportunities contributes to a livable community for all.
Key Points
23/02/21 – Recycle BC’s residential packaging and paper recycling program has been accepting new items, as of Jan. 1. Newly added items will be accepted either in Blue Carts for curbside collection or at depots, depending on the item. These changes resulted from an amendment to the Province of BC’s Recycling Regulation.
Some of these items were previously accepted in the program if the item was indistinguishable from packaging (e.g., foil pie plates, kraft paper bags). Here is a comprehensive list of the new official items you can refer to as a reference.
Newly accepted Blue Cart items include:
Examples of flexible plastics now accepted at depots only:
All items have been added to the What Goes Where Waste Wizard tool on the Nanaimo Recycles App. Please visit to access this search tool or download the App from the App store or Google Play.
Link to Strategic Plan: Supports waste diversion through improved reuse and recycling services for a diversity of materials
Key Points
Depots are now able to accept crinkly and stretchy plastics in one stream so residents will no longer need to separate them in order to take them to the Depot. They do not go into your blue cart.
The Nanaimo Recycles App has a handy What Goes Where Waste Wizard tool that allows you to enter an item to recycle and see which cart to use for curbside pick up or where you can take that item to be recycle at a depot.
Mayor Leonard Krog says the addition of new items by Recycle BC allows progress towards our desired outcome of zero waste throughout the full life cycle of production, consumption, recycling, and disposal to achieve local and regional waste management goals.
Photo Library of Accepted and Unaccepted Material
Amendment to Province of BC's Recycling Regulation
Nanaimo Recycling What Goes Where Waste Wizard Tool
With temperatures dropping due to arctic outflow beginning Saturday night, the City of Nanaimo is assisting people in need of warming services. The City will provide funds for existing organizations to extend their hours of service. City staff and RCMP members will be on the street increasing coverage of wellness checks and providing warming supplies.
Additional service hours are as follows: 7-10 Club Society (at St. Paul’s Anglican Church on Chapel Street) will be open from 7 am to 7 pm during cold on Monday, Jan. 30 and Tuesday, Jan. 31, and can assist 30 to 40 people at one time. Open Monday to Friday. Regular warming hours are 10 am to 7 pm.
Unitarian Shelter offers 27 overnight shelter beds and during extreme cold, offers daytime warming centre services to their shelter guests only.
Risebridge, in response to the cold, will operate from 7:30 am to 7:30 pm on Sunday, Jan. 29 and Monday, Jan. 30. Regular warming hours are 8:30 am to 12:30 pm and 3:30 pm to 7:30 pm every day.
The City of Nanaimo provides funding to 7-10 Club and Risebridge for daytime warming centres for people experiencing homelessness, and to the Nanaimo Unitarian Shelter to assist overnight guests with daytime service as needed. Funding comes from a Union of BC Municipalities ‘Strengthening Communities’ Services program grant to the City to support daytime cold and hot extreme weather service.
The following services are also available:
Salvation Army has 35 overnight shelter beds and daytime access only for existing shelter guests. Samaritan Place has added five additional beds during extreme cold in addition to its existing 14 beds. St Peter’s Winter Shelter now has 34 beds open 8 pm to 7:30 am.
In addition, the City’s Community Safety Officers (CSO) will be working extended hours. A team of CSOs will be on and performing wellness checks until 2:30 am, with the next shift starting at 4 am. CSOs have been handing out warming supplies, cold weather clothing and hot drinks as needed. RCMP members are also performing wellness checks, offering assistance and coordinating response with CSOs.
Visit for a full list of drop-in and indoor meal services.
Link to Strategic Plan: Providing warming opportunities contributes to a livable community for all.
Craig Evans accepts the award from Mayor Leonard Krog
Nanaimo City Council is pleased to honour Craig Evans with a Patron of the City award to recognize his exceptional service to the community for more than three decades. A resident of Nanaimo since the 1970s, Evans has been a passionate advocate for community food systems, the environment and local organic farms.
With enthusiastic dedication to local, sustainable food production, Mr. Evans is credited as the founder of the Nanaimo Community Gardens in 1987, the Nanaimo Foodshare Society in 1997 and the VIU Farmers Market in 2013. He also co-founded the Growing Opportunities Farm Community Co-op in 2009 and the Farmship Growers Cooperative in 2013.
Over the years, Mr. Evans has been a strong advocate on a number of environmental initiatives. In 1978, he founded the Nanaimo Recycling Society and is credited for starting and organizing curbside pickups for the entire city. At the time, this recycling operation was Canada’s largest recycling operation west of Kitchener, Ontario. In 1999, he was awarded the Environmental Achievement Award from the City of Nanaimo for his work in promoting recycling and community gardening.
His advocacy efforts halted plans for a proposed ferrochromium plant at Jack Point and a BRINI waste incinerator in 1991. From 2013-2015, Mr. Evans was a Director for the Colliery Dams Preservation Society which successfully sought to protect and preserve Colliery Dam Park.
In 2000, Mr. Evans began working at Vancouver Island University as a Worksite Trainer for the Employment and Life Skills Training Program. He currently works in the Work Essential Skills Training (WEST) Program, mentoring students with diverse abilities and securing them work training sites.
The service that Mr. Evans has provided his community for more than three decades has inspired many and will have a lasting impact for years to come. The City is grateful for his dedication to the environment and the people of Nanaimo and is pleased to bestow him with the honour of Patron of the City.
Link to Strategic Plan: Environmental Responsibility and Livability: Craig Evans has demonstrated an exceptional commitment to protecting our environment and ensuring a livable future for future generations.
Key Points
"I have known Craig for nearly 40 years. He is modest, kind and compassionate and is indeed a worthy recipient for this award and an outstanding example of what real citizenship is about." said Mayor Leonard Krog. "We are at our best when we are “doing for others” and he has done that his whole life. Our City is a better place because of all he has done, particularly for those who have faced real challenges."
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