23-12-01 – It's refreshing to see Attorney General Niki Sharma doing the job to which she was elected when she sounded off on a judge’s sentencing decision in a case. After the Law Society chided her for her comments, Sharma doubled down and repeated her concern over a range of sentencing decisions. The society expressed concern about how elected officials, including Premier David Eby, have been discussing criminal justice issues. The Law Society said it risks undermining public confidence in the criminal justice system. That alone demonstrates how far out of touch the judiciary is, not recognizing that public confidence in the system is already very low. They need to remember too they are appointed but governments are elected to oversee the system. MORE
AG Niki Sharma
Development process
needs a major overhaul
Accrediting professionals will require major changes
You are paying so others can drive electric vehicles
a vital part of our society
A case of parliamentary butt covering
Leaders need to get serious about crime
Is gambling taking over sports world?
Disagreement is not hate
It's a
matter of setting priorities
of speech
is for everyone
Both sides
deserve to
be heard
Full disclosure will clear the air on Walker
BC Who?
Impact of
in next election
process needs
an overhaul
Drug-free zones won't fix what's wrong
It's time
to get
Trudeau needs
to brush up on foreign relations
You can't fix the climate so adapt to the change
Going back to square one
on housing
is a crime
against children
Thumbs up for
Air Cadet Squadron
Artificial Intelligence
could destroy us all
Thumbs up Dave Lawrence
of That Fifties Barbershop
Government mainly responsible for job growth
Voters not buying what
the NDP is selling
Exposing the great grocery price conspiracy
Wildfires unravel past gains on arresting climate change
Erasing hard-fought rights
for today's women
Never give your opponents
a free shot, they'll take it
We're paying a lot more,
but are we getting more?
Underbrush clearance still
not fixed after 20 years
Who loves inflation?
the government does
Canadian media ban
blame is being misplaced
Sometimes the alternative is
worse than the original problem
What a relief taking
politics out of wildfires
What we see from what I call the “B.C. Hurt Feelings Commission”, is Nanaimo city hall is infested with racists? So how do those loyal city employees feel after the ruling on the Victor Mema case when they were doing their jobs, and doing it well? They did not deserve to be painted with that brush, racially victimizing them (white and female) in the name of stamping out racism. Shameful. 23-08-18
When it comes to cleaning up the illegal homeless encampments throughout the city, has anyone ever considered “hiring” the campers to do the cleanups? It might translate into a long-term job as new encampments keep springing up as soon as the old ones are cleared out. That would provide them with money and a path to better living. One can always dream, can't one? 23-08-19
The repetitive federal NDP refrain about the private sector getting rich off housing seeks government takeover instead. Every action has a reaction. The alternative translates to taxpayers getting hammered when the public sector provides housing. And chances are, the public sector would do it at a much higher cost. Government doesn’t have money, it only spends ours. 23-08-20
Too often well-intentioned people leap before they look. Just weeks ago the provincial government announced a major program to supply air conditioners for low-income people in rental units. That was the good intention, but they could not deliver.
The money was there, but there were immediate hurdles, including landlords who own those properties, legal considerations and of course the bureaucratic entanglement of delivering within a few days.
Now that we’re nearing the end of the heat cycle, are they still going to install them regardless of need? Or will the politicians simply accept that they tried and that should be enough to molify voters?
It may be my jaded cynicism, but we’re all being played like a cheap fiddle. The White House announced early Monday that President Joe Biden had gone on a secret trip to Ukraine. Well, not so secret, they called Vladimir Putin to let him know so that he would not have bombs bursting in air.
And lo and behold, there was no military action but a great photo op as Biden strode into public, on cue, air raid sirens immediately wailed to enhance the drama.There was no air raid, and U.S. media who were along for the ride immediately waxed eloquent about Biden braving a war zone. Ho hum.
Phone and internet scams and frauds have caught our attention but now comes word where many of them originate. A U.S. report says many are coming from inside prison walls where inmates use cell phones to spread their misery to the outside world. Some states have scrambled cell phone signals but activists have launched court challenges that the prisoners’ rights are being violated.
And technology now goes even further where prisoners establish inter-prison networks to communicate with inmates in other prisons.
Where else but in Saskatchewan would hundreds of local folks jam into the arena in Maple Creek to watch cowboys face off against their Cree neighbours in a charity hockey game – the "Battle of the Little Big Puck?" The game is an annual tradition, having started in 1979.
In the third period, players trade their hockey gear for traditional wear. The Cree players wear feather headdresses, animal hide and face paint while the cowboys play in chaps, cowboy hats, plaid shirts and even spurs. The referees are RCMP officers in red serge. Naturally their mayor is Metis, ensuring neutrality.
Nekaneet Chief Alvin Francis says outsiders may raise an eyebrow at the teams calling themselves "Cowboys and Indians," but he believes people who learn about the community come to realize it's about mutual respect, unity and friendship. BUZZ HERE
Phone and internet scams and frauds have caught our attention but now comes word where many of them originate. A U.S. report says many are coming from inside prison walls where inmates use cell phones to spread their misery to the outside world. Some states have scrambled cell phone signals but activists have launched court challenges that the prisoners’ rights are being violated.
And technology now goes even further where prisoners establish inter-prison networks to communicate with inmates in other prisons.
It may be my jaded cynicism, but we’re all being played like a cheap fiddle. The White House announced early Monday that President Joe Biden had gone on a secret trip to Ukraine. Well, not so secret, they called Vladimir Putin to let him know so that he would not have bombs bursting in air.
And lo and behold, there was no military action but a great photo op as Biden strode into public, on cue, air raid sirens immediately wailed to enhance the drama.There was no air raid, and U.S. media who were along for the ride immediately waxed eloquent about Biden braving a war zone. Ho hum.
Our provincial government wants to know about seniors and what they think. The province has put out a call for interviewers to go into long-term care facilities to listen to the stories of seniors.
Government spends tons of money on paid pollsters. Why is it that when it comes to seniors they want volunteers? What happened to the philosophy of everyone being fairly compensated for their labour?
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Maple Ridge, British Columbia