Apr. 26, 2022
You can't have one without the other
CONUNDRUM – A confusing or difficult problem. Old growth forest defenders defy laws to protect old growth forests but at the same time they preach the elimination of the life blood of those same trees. They want to get rid of fossil fuels which produce carbon-dioxide, something trees cannot live without. You can’t deprive one in favor of the other, the two are inter-dependant. And plants produce oxygen, something that some in today’s society appear to have been short changed on.
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It's easy for politicians, they can spend what they want because somebody else will pay for it – the taxpayers.
Well done Merv & Marg
Nanaimo is still a good place, but the powers that be have let it run to ruin. This is sad to see.
i agree it is the volunteers in Nanaimo that make it such a wonderful place to live. I've lived all over B. C. and came back to Nanaimo to raise my kids and join the family business. Never any regret
Thank you Mr. Peckford for voicing concerns that many Canadians share, but remain silent.